Rising prices

Rising prices are a great nuisance. This acute problem of price rise erodes every opportunity of respectful living. One has to live from hand to mouth. It is very difficult to make both ends meet easily. The poor are leading a very miserable life due to this serious problem.
All the necesities of life are being sold at a great price. The middle class people are hard- hit. Still more than 70 percent Indian population is living below the poverty line. These are the people who are great sufferers because of rising prices. Prices are shooting up at an alarming rate. The few rich shopkeepers who resort to hoarding and profiteering are fully responsible for this social malady. They need immediate curbing.
It is the sacred duty of the Government to ease out this monster like problem. It must check price rise. Let the Government not sleep over this serious issue. Let it do something to lessen the misery of the teeming millions of people of India.
Sanjay Dhar,
Laxmi Nagar, Sarwal