Rising Road Rage

Shiban  Khaibri
What could be the momentary impellent force in a person to pick up a gun and kill in cold blood, an innocent unarmed young student of just 19 years on a road and have neither any remorse for that nor his parents atoning even symbolically for the heinous crime of their son, let alone cursing their stars for having given birth to such a madcap. It is not confined to only a few places across our country but of late this deadly disease of nursing rage and killing a victim instantaneously is fast spreading. It needs a check with the same magnitude of severity as the levels of the intolerant aftermaths   suffered by the victim’s nears and dears on account of the  inhuman act committed by the  crazy criminal minded person. While it goes beyond doubt that such a disease of brain and mind,  the psychology , the  emotional abnormalities etc could be treated by  physicians, the immediate causes of such an abnormal behavior on the road centre round the  intoxication and  hangover of political power, being a close relative of a politician, a false ego of being a special and privileged person, having had a windfall gain of unexpected bouts of fortune  and the like which is to be adequately treated by the law enforcing authorities, the judiciary as also importantly by the media . The society, in particular, can do wonders by not only isolating such criminals but condemningly   ostracizing them. Well, this appears to be not that easy when we, as a thumb rule, have adopted an approach of behaving as mute spectators, with rare exceptions whenever law breakers harm the innocents by thrashing, assaulting, eve teasing, fighting or even pinning down severely wounded in an accident. Now, a new trend has set in , when a victim is writhing with pain and is injured lying on a road, most of the people present there behave as unconcerned  onlookers instead of shifting him or her to a nearby hospital, record the pathetic scene live in their smart phones,  let alone become a bit of  Samaritans in that render the victim some immediate help. Of course, exceptions could be there.
On a road near Gaya Bihar, a mild temerity, if that is the name given to that part of driving, when you instantly develop an urge,  to overtake a vehicle,  from the right side, ruthlessly cut short the life of a budding flower  Aditya  Sachdev  of just 19  years on May 7 by the  23 years old spoilt “child” of JD(U) MLC  of Bihar  Manorama Devi.  The alleged killer Rocky could not digest his costly car “Land Rover” to be overtaken by an ordinary (Non VVIP) innocent student driving a car of “lesser status” in comparison.   Treating himself as “an Excellency”, he could not digest this small breach of his Royalty in presence of his guard and security and the resultant shooting the innocent boy right in his neck smashing his spine with a gash right up to his brain, at a close range of less than 3 feet, just equivalent to the size of an adult human arm. Aditya had gone to attend a birthday party and was returning home with his friends and just a few minutes earlier had promised his mother a “Mother’s Gift” as that day happened to be the Mothers’ Day. Heart rending as this incident looks, must move the sensibilities of all the politicians, especially in Bihar, where the VVIP culture has percolated to such threatening dimensions. The father is reported to have facilitated the killer son go underground and when he was taken into custody following telecast of this gory incident and taking up this blatant demonstration of the morbidity of political arrogance by many TV Channels, the arrested father told the Police that even if he picked up the gun and shot the boy, he might have done the same in “self defence”. Such a statement from the killer son’s father being highly despicable is tantamount to heralding of the return of the Jungle raj and surfacing of a lawless Bihar presided over by Nitish Kumar.
Did Rocky’s Police guard also help him in the shootout? What self defence this killer son of a Political leader of the ruling coalition of Bihar felt the need for , just because his costly car was  overtaken or there were attempts made on his life by this unarmed innocent young student ? Who hid him in the family’s business premises in Gaya itself making his hiding all the more “comfortable” with bottles of liquor and food etc ? Why did the Neta mother allegedly keep herself in constant touch with the accused till he was “found out”  by the Police? Thus by hobnobbing with the criminal son to evade arrest and investigation, did not Manorma Devi practically act like a co- accused?  Why it took more than 54 hours for the Police to nab this goon Rocky Yadav and why was he sent into judicial custody instead of to police remand?
Watching the grieving parents on a leading TV Channel, because of the prevailing conditions or at least how the case was handled, it was feared that the gun could be changed, witnesses too could be managed, a “well wisher or a volunteer” could be produced to have done it all and the trigger happy son would go scot-free. The parents wanted a written undertaking from the Nitish government that justice would be meted out to the family who lost their dearest young one. The grieving mother displayed on the TV channel, blood soaked clothes of their slain son, holding on them tightly in a fit of touching emotion, when the same should have been with the Police.
VIP culture of power would flourish so much under Nitish Kumar’s rule who had promised good governance, was never expected, though never ruled out especially when hardened criminals are “seen ” and “visited” by  leaders of the prominent ally in the coalition  RJD,  in their prisons and ensured that not only are they kept reasonably comfortable  but are kept “relevant” by incorporating them in political bodies. How many killings, mostly in cold blood took place ever since RJD_ JDU_ Congress combine formed the government in Bihar  is fairly known but what intrigues  is  the way, this issue is sought to be politicized by the ruling coalition in Bihar and   comparisons are sought to be drawn to dilute the intensity of the issue and especially somehow drag in the PM and his Party and the period of two years’ rule of the NDA  as if they were equivalent to two decades. The Deputy CM of Bihar Tejasavi  Yadav invoked Pakistani terror attack in Pathankot to either justify lawlessness in Bihar or to dilute the intensity of the incident.  Stung by the “jungle raj” barb, Laloo Ji’s son, the Dy. CM maintained that highest incidents of road rage occurred in Delhi, then why not feel Jungle raj in Delhi . Tejasvi Yadav further made a comparison of this incident with raising of Pakistani flags in Kashmir and hence a “jungle Raj” there .He got relief in his own way by assuming that not only in Bihar but in other parts of the country, “Jungle Raj” existed.
Just look at what the Bihar Police was doing in the matter despite lot of public outrage over such a VVIP racism and most of the media continuously raising this issue. It got into its possession, the blood stained clothes of Aditya after more than 144 hours of the crime and that also collecting the same from the parents of the boy. The Police also claim that it requires one month filing the charge sheet. The mindset of the Police can be gauged by the wordings of the FIR, the first sentence of which reportedly says, ” Bindi Yadav   kay  Baitay  Say Takkar  Leta  Hai”. Bindi Yadav is the accomplice father of the goon Rocky Yadav, the alleged killer and from this sentence inferences could be drawn that the victim “offended” the son of Bindi Yadav , “Takkar  Leta  Hai”, or dares to “challenge ” Bindi’s son (by just overtaking his vehicle costing Rs. 1 crore ). It is amusing to see  Award Wapasi Brigade completely mum on this subject. It was their duty this time to come in the open to take on Nitish government for which they “worked hard” in Bihar Assembly elections to raise the bogy of “intolerance”. It must be rued that while politicians  being public figures must be such so as to be  emulated because of their clean, selfless, honest , full of probity and high moral characteristics but  alas  there are plenty of politicians who have to be fought out because of increasingly  promoting and spreading  a dangerous VVIP racism . The public is getting conscious of their rights, at least, to walk and drive on roads safely instead of deserting them to make way for the likes of the goons of Rocky Yadav’s level. We need to press for strict legislation to fight this malady of road rage, firing of joy shots with rifles and guns brandished openly either in wedding parties or in election victory processions. These habits of VVIPs are unaffordable as they kill innocents.