Rising trend of Fast Food Culture

Sanjay Puri
The erstwhile tempo of life that was at once relaxed and steady, regrettably now appears to be a thing of the past – perhaps never to return. One can only grin and bear it while, at the same time, hoping for the best. Man’s mad quest for speed may yet prove to be his undoing! Take the instance of a most common everyday occurrence: the meal. Remember the time when mealtime used to be a most pleasurable occasion – to be leisurely savored and enjoyed. Alas, no more! People have started eating faster. Gulping down food in the shortest possible time is becoming something of a fad these days. Relaxed and leisurely meals of yesteryear are no more than a pleasant memory.
The growing number of fast food outlets in Jammu has added to the metropolitan tinge and more so something to cheer about for the many fast food lovers – to eat and to be ‘entertained’. There was a time when eating burgers or pizzas or soft drinks and other junk food was not known or even the culture of eating out beyond breakfast and two proper home cooked meals. The very concept of ‘eating’ has taken different dimensions and today, our eating culture has seen a drastic shift from the ‘local’ to the ‘global.’ Fast food is popular because it’s convenient, it’s cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu. Studies have found that preparing your own food is healthier than fast food. But most people just don’t have the time.
The concept of eating has brought about a change in our culture, identity and lifestyle – a shift away from ‘being a Dogra’ once in a while to a ‘hybrid Dogra.’
We don’t know how much we need to eat, even eating when we are not hungry. Many people wonder whether they eat too much or too little. It is hard to know the right amount that needs to be taken to satisfy the requirements of the body. Obesity has become a common phenomenon especially among the children and with hardly any physical activity the sight of more obese children is a common sight these days. And with the coming of more fast food outlets besides junk food, it is important to be reminded of the various health concerns that cannot be taken with a casual approach. Our food habits have a close association with lifestyle and culture rather than on nutrient value and health concerns. Not only fast food and junk food but even our home cooked food too can be unhealthy. High levels of fats and sugar are not only unhealthy but addictive making it hard for people to choose the more healthy food. It sets an unhealthy eating pattern especially among children who develop a liking for fast food and also junk food. Not only is it a waste of money but food timing becomes irregular thereby causing loss in appetite. Fast foods are laden with growth hormones, chemically enhanced vegetables, sugar filled soft drinks and whose colour and taste are artificially enhanced. Some scientists are starting to believe that gorging on food that is excessively high on fat and sugar can cause changes to your brain and body to make it hard to say no or avoid the habitual fast food. This is where the food that we eat for survival and living can become addictive. And with the great hormones that play a role in regulating appetite it is bound to get more addictive making one’s appetite rejuvenate even at the thought of fast food.
The difference between fast food and home cooked meal is the sheer quantity of calories and fats it delivers in one go. And the recommended and the required daily intake of fats and calories can be had in one sitting at a fast food outlet. It may contribute little or no nutrient value but gives instead excess calories, sugar and fat and thereby not a proper way for a balanced and healthy nutrition. The resultant effect is, one becomes a healthcare customer. The ill effects of fast food are myriad. Over a period of time, fast food can lead to an increased risk of illness and various lifestyle associated disease. Then there are more risky diseases related to heart, blood vessels, liver, diabetes, peptic ulcers and many more. A daily dose of fast food means the need for a well-balanced diet cannot be supplemented by an unhealthy diet that lacks essential nutrients. Studies have suggested that a rich fat meal can increase ones stress level. After all a finger licking treat may do more harm to one’s health while in the pursuit of various forms of pleasure.
The coming of fast food outlets into the city of temples may add value to the commercial hub and its associated economics but one need to be aware of the ill effects of fast food, else we only become healthcare customers. Fast food chains spend a large amount of marketing to get the attention of children. People form their eating habits as children so they try to nurture clients as youngsters.
Promotion of healthy eating habits and education about junk foods needs to be strengthened. Children should be encouraged to consume foods with high nutritious value like food grains, pulses, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Healthy lifestyle and eating among children and adolescents should be presented through televisions, newspapers and effective school education campaigns.
(The author is senior Journalist. Feedback welcome at purisanjay1975@gmail.com)