River Basanter

The Dutch have a well known saying that “God created Earth, but the Dutch made Holland’. Land is the basic resources providing the needs of the people. Land degradation is an important environmental problem. Soil erosion  is a matter of serious concern. Deforestation leads to loss of soil resulting in loss of productivity. This all has happened with River Basanter. Basanter origins from the lap of Ramkot Khoon area say Naaj and Gambhir rivulets. Its catchment is demarcated by small villages such as Samotha, Soren, Jattah, Thalote and many others and enters Samba up to International border with Pakistan. At Narhari Mandir Devak emerges with it. Its tributaries are Sankhai, Kali Nallah, Mansar Nallah, Ruhi and other rainy seasonal nallahs.
Rishi Vishwamitra is said to have worshipped at the Banks of this river, hence forth it was known as Basanter. In 1971 during Indo-Pak battle, this became the battle field and graveyard of Pak Patton Tanks and is famous for the same. One lift irrigation canal was made to irrigate the adjoining villages but later on this scheme was abandoned.
It banks through its course bears vegetation consisting of shrubs, trees and grass holding the Rocks and stones which naturally guard and protect the soil erosion. Man for his creed and interest has damaged the natural banks by irreting illegal and unplanned structures. There is reckless mining.  JCB machines are even extracting sand and stones paving  way for environmental loss. The money so earned has riot been spent on the beautifician of its banks.
We have seen unprecedented spate of floods in this river on 6th to 8th Sept 2014. Events like rains, floods etc all are natural accidents. The carrying capacity of Basantar is low. The average rainfall in the catchment is 41.01 mm. It was devastating floods damaged structures live stock and crops. The floods have flattened the soil making it unfit for agriculture use.
We must frame an intelligent policy after wide spread consultations. People demand repairs of protection  wall along the river Basanter which was damaged by floods when the water breached the banks. Breaches on the river needs filling up and strengthening of the embankment.
All the concerned agencies like Flood Control, Agriculture Department, Basanter Management, Planning and Development and other stake headers should join their heads together to draw up a comprehensive strategy and programme for it.
Yours etc…
Gur Nandan Singh
Kehli Mandi, Samba