Road accidents

In medical narration, accidents are described as injuries occurring or sustained as a result of road traffic accidents, mechanical injuries in industry, burns, poisoning etc. Here, I am concerned with road traffic accidents which cause awful poin. The pain and morbidity caused by auto-mobiles accident is more severe then that of surgical trauma which is carried out under anesthesis. The mortality caused by RTA is more then that of militancy related incidents deaths. The causes of RTA are overspeed, rash driving, drink driving, bending (round or carved) journey, hilly terrain of the State, narrow roads, old or outdated vehicles, driving without proper/complete vehicular documents, and extention, etc.
Steps should be taken to check the menace of RTAs. Over-speeding which risks one’s life as well as others should be discouraged and at first the drivers should be warned against the dangers and penalties. Drink driving should not be permitted and should be checked at nakas. In the hilly terrain, sign boards should be fixed at short distances for the case of driving and to prevent accidents. Roads should be widened by making these four-laning or six-laning which becomes difficult in hilly terrain. To start with the vehicle, the driver should check whether he is in possession of complete documents in order to avoid un-necessary tension. It has been observed that accidents occur frequently lite in the evening when the drivers are completely exhausted, and fired. Lastly, the driver of the vehicle should avoid talking on mobiles while driving.
I have great sympathy for those whose beloved ones met road traffic accidents and let us pledge that there should be rest number of accidents.
Dr Tariq M Khan