Role of NGOs in developing India

Ram Rattan Sharma
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) can be defined as formally registered not – for profit association of groups of individuals founded on the principles of equality, altruism and voluntary work spirit to promote human development (including environment and biodiversity) and nation building. In other words, they are voluntary organizations that are free from Governmental control in their functioning. They are democratic organizations open to all for membership. NGO is a popular term, which has gained recognition at global level and commands respect in the present society, due to its welfare services. The organizations do seek financial assistance from the Government, but they operate at least theoretically, on their own principles and programmes. With the weakening of the state, NGOs become all the more crucial for the civil society.
NGOs role in Governments five-year plans
India is a very big country. Since independence the Govt. of India has lacked sufficient manpower and logistics to reach each and every segment of the society. The vacuum created by this absence has been taken up by NGOs over the years and they have found place in the five-year plans of the Governments. Sometimes it is in the form of their roles in the rural sector development and sometimes it is in formation of self-reliant groups. When integrated rural development programme was launched in the 6th five-year plan, they were at the forefront mobilsing rural poor to avail benefits. Similarly, they served as a crucial machinery for social audit of many schemes and programmes in the success of the white revolution. NGOs played a significant role in mobilizing the rural women milk producers and urged them to form a cooperative.
They also took the Governments initiative of family planning programme to the rural India by organizing many awareness programmmes through Nukkad Natak. NGO Akshay patra has been a unique partner of Govt. in universalization of primary education by organising mid-day meals for millions of children. Similarly, Rastriya Mazdoor Sangh of Rajasthan was at the forefront in making Right to Information a legal right for all citizens of the country.
NGOs role in protection of women’s interest Non govt. organizations are playing an imperative role in the empowerment of women. They adopt multiple strategies to improve the condition of women. They are training women in various aspects to make them come out of their inhibitions and involve in fruitful activity. The past few years have seen a rampant increase in crime against women in the form of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. The horrifying incidents leave deep scars that young girls and women are unable to cope with. They lose their self-esteem and confidence. It is over here that many NGO’s take the charge, counsel them, help gain their lost self esteem and make them self-reliant. Infact, there are many NGOs, which are fighting a legal battle on the behalf of the survivors.
Role of NGOs in providing awareness: -NGOs have played a vital role educating the farmers and introducing them to new techniques of farming. They make farmers aware of the new cost – saving techniques, special variety of seeds and manures etc. Additionally, these also protect farmers from any price sludge in the market prices of their produce. NGOs were at forefront in successful mediation between potato grower farmers in Gujarat and Pepsico. As the volunteers, NGO’s have the ability to develop a bond with a particular cause and the concerned entities. It also helps in easy implementation and execution of different Governmental schemes. They have played an important role in making people understand the importance of education, curbing the menace of social evils such as child marriage, dowry, etc.
Criticism of NGOs in India: – There are more than 25 lakh registered NGOs in India, many of them as reported in IB reports in internal security of India had indulged in anti-India activities. Some of them serve as an appendage of their home country and were involved in halting the construction of many infrastructure and mining projects by organ sing protests in collaboration with indigenous people. There have been allegation of money laundering cases related to NGOs in India. Meanwhile Govt has come up with stricter compliance norms for them in foreign contribution under FERA Act. They have also been brought under the Ambit of RTI. During the last few years, several new NGOs claiming to work for the poor have come forward.
These NGOs are not often engaged in serious social; welfare work. Many of these are without serious intent and are fraudulent. Several NGOs are accused of non-transparent, unaccountable and undemocratic functioning. Many NGOs do not file their annual financial statements. Though FERA and FEMA have been made stricter yet issues persists.
Conclusion: Charity and voluntary services is in the ethos of India but NGOs can not indulge in activities that are not in the interest of nation. By doing so they not only themselves but other organisations that are working for public good.
(The author is former Dy Librarian University of Jammu)