Roll back electricity duty, road tax hike: SRS

SRS president, Rajiv Mahajan along with others addressing a press conference at Jammu.
SRS president, Rajiv Mahajan along with others addressing a press conference at Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 3: State president, Shri Ram Sena (SRS) , Rajiv Mahajan has asked the State Government to roll back the decision of hike in electricity duty from the current 10 per cent to 15 per cent and 9 per cent One Time Road Tax on public vehicles.
Addressing a press conference here today, Rajiv Mahajan said that this hike in electricity duty would impact each and every consumer of the State and would adversely impact the industrial sector and the households.
He said that on one hand automobile companies are already facing a drop in demand as seen in the decline in automobile sales over the past few months and on the other hand the increase in road tax would further increase the cost of vehicles and this would lead to further reduction in sales.
He said this steep hike in One Time Road Tax is ultimately going to be paid out of the pockets of a common man and shall ultimately lead to loss of sales further which shall mean collapse of many business houses.
Criticizing the State Government for opening two more Toll Plazas on Lakhanpur-Jammu Highway, Mahajan said, “Paying taxes is no doubt duty of every citizen but the first Government needs to introspect the fact that Government has itself failed miserably to provide better roads to the people of the State. Government has started showing arrogance and by imposing toll tax the burden on common man will increase further.”
“There is already a toll plaza at Ban, Nagrota in Jammu although the National Highway has not been fully prepared and the Government wants to charge more toll tax through these two more toll plazas,” he said.
He stressed upon the urgency in getting both these decisions reviewed and rolled back before irreparable damage is caused to the various sectors and stakeholders in the State.