JAMMU: The CBI has booked then Deputy Commissioner of Pulwama Mehraj Ahmed Kakroo and 12 others in connection with the alleged illegal conferment of ownership rights on unauthorised occupants of the State land in Jammu & Kashmir under the now repealed Roshni Act. The case pertains to land that measuring six kanals, 10 marlas and four sersai, which was illegally occupied by Ghulam Ahmed Pandith, Ghulam Nabi Naikoo, Mohammad Amin Pandith and Farhat Pandith, Abdul Majid Sheikh and Ghulam Rasool Wani, as alleged.
A committee, that included comprising then Deputy Commissioner of Pulwama Mehraj Ahmed Kakroo, then Additional Deputy Commissioner Iftikar ul Hasnain Bari, then Assistant Commissioner Mohammed Rajab Bhat and three other revenue officials — Abdul Razak Wagay, Ghulam Ahmad Sheikh and Maqbool Ahanger — gave the ownership rights to the beneficiaries.
All the accused officials and the beneficiaries have been named in the FIR. The CBI has so far registered several cases related to the ₹25,000-crore ‘Roshni’ scam.