RTI Movement Warns of Masist struggle

Jehangir Rashid
SRINAGAR, June 2: Warning of a Maoist movement from youth in the State if action is not taken against corrupt Ministers and bureaucrats, the Jammu and Kashmir Right to Information Movement (JKRTIM) today said the proposed appointment of Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) in the State would not yield any result.
Addressing a press conference here, JKRTIM Convener, Dr. Raja Muzaffar Bhat said that cases of corruption are pending against corrupt Ministers and bureaucrats. He said that institutions like State Accountability Commission (SAC) and State Vigilance Organization (SVO) are competent enough to take action against the corrupt officials and Ministers.
“Cases of corruption are pending against Ministers in coalition Government and also against some of the top ranking officers in the bureaucracy. The State Accountability Commission and State Vigilance Organization have failed to take action against them. Given this situation, how can one expect wonders from the Chief Vigilance Commissioner,”? asked Dr. Muzaffar.
The JKRTIM Convener said that Youth of the State were frustrated adding that Maoist struggle may break out if the un-fair practices are not stopped at the earliest. He said people have lost faith in the State and that Government should take concrete action against the corrupt politicians or officials.
“People especially youth had expectations that corruption would be rooted out from the society and action would be taken against the tainted persons. As this has not happened the youth are frustrated and one cannot rule out a Maoist struggle if speedy action is not take against corrupt people either in the Ministry or bureaucracy. It is high time for Government to act, otherwise, there is trouble ahead for them,” said Dr. Muzaffar.
He said that delay by the enquiry committee formed to probe the allegations against former Education Minister Peerzada Mohammad Sayeed gave an impression that State Government is incompetent to act against tainted Ministers and corrupt officials. He demanded ouster of Peerzada from the Council of Ministers adding that fair action is possible only after that.
“Action was taken against Union Ministers Suresh Kalmadi and A. Raja while corruption charges were leveled against them. Same should have happened here but nothing of sort took place and the corrupt Ministers have a field day. Mainstream politicians irrespective of their ideologies are corrupt and they are carrying on with their un-fair trade practices,” said JKRTIM Convener.
Dr. Muzaffar said that since State Government has failed to act against the corrupt people it is better to legalize corruption in the state. He said the concept of Lokpal is very much present in the State due to the formation of SAC adding still then there has been no let up in corrupt practices.
“On one side the corrupt practices are going on and on the other, the RTI activists are either beaten up or threatened of dire consequences. RTI activist Fayaz Ahmad was beaten to pulp by a contractor in the Budgam as he exposed his un-fair practices. Sajad Rasool who had demanded information about the migrant fund was victimized as the Relief Commissioner asked the CID to verify his antecedents,” said Dr. Muzaffar.
The JKRTIM Convener said that no action was taken against officials involved in alleged Roshni Act fraud, allotment of works without tenders in the R&B department, illegal appointment of 5000 people in Urban Local Bodies and some other cases of misappropriation.