Ruckus in Assembly

Though it was expected that the opposition political parties may take the Government head on during the current Budget session, no one had ever expected that the opposition may go to the extent of not allowing the House to function at all.
Jammu and Kashmir suffered terribly during the last year due to disturbances that erupted after dreaded militant Burhan Wani was killed by security forces. Life came to a standstill not only in Kashmir but in other two regions- Ladakh and Jammu, as all the regions are organically linked to each other.
The seat of administration- Civil Secretariat wore a deserted look as employees could not  do  any business. The focus of the administration shifted to maintaining law and order in the State, which in turn pushed the developmental works to back seat.
No worthwhile development could be carried on anywhere in the State. Now, when the State limped back to normalcy, it was expected that Government may transact the business as usual. But the way the opposition is creating  ruckus in the Assembly, there is little hope that things may improve in the immediate future.
The opposition members should allow the Assembly function smoothly so that issues confronting  the State may be taken up!
Yours etc….
Vinod Sharma