Rural youth

This has reference to the article ‘Issues of rural youth’ published in the Daily Excelsior some days ago.
The author has raised several issues faced by the rural youth today, but it is quite dismaying that Governments-whether State or Central do not attach much priority to these issues.
The rural youth do not get quality education as there are no standard educational institutions in rural areas. The Government must lay emphasis on quality education so that the youth are able to compete with their counterparts in urban areas. Employment generation in rural areas should be a priority sector with the Government.  There are no profitable jobs in rural areas. People depend on agriculture to meet their basic needs. But rural youth are not much interested in it, as a result of it, people migrate to urban areas where they face numerous problem. The migration also leads to socio-economic problems at home.
The rural youth like their urban peers, have numerous aspirations. These aspirations remain unfullfilled  If there are no viable means to achieve them. The Governments, and social scientists must find priority areas, and develop them in a sustained manner.
Yours etc…
Ankush Aggarwal