SA President announces five-phase plan for easing COVID-19 lockdown

Johannesburg, Apr 24: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced a slight easing of the nationwide lockdown that has been in place since March 27.
Starting May 1, the lockdown will move from the current level 5 that has caused extreme economic crises, including huge job losses, business closures and hunger, to level 4, in which some business will be allowed to resume operations under strict conditions, the president said on Thursday.
Ramaphosa shared the details of a new five-level approach to ease the lockdown which will include distinguishing between the threat at national, provincial, district and metropolitan level.
“The National Coronavirus Command Council will determine the alert level based on an assessment of the infection rate and the capacity of our health system to provide care to those who need it,” Ramaphosa said.
“Beyond Thursday, April 30 we will implement a risk adjusted strategy to take a deliberate and cautious approach to ease lockdown restrictions,” he added.
Noting that the strategy that the country adopts must be “measured and incremental”, Ramaphosa said, “We cannot take action today that we deeply regret tomorrow. We have to balance the need to resume economic activity with the need to save lives.”
Ramaphosa further said that a nationwide lockdown is probably the best means to contain the virus but it cannot be sustained indefinitely as people need to eat and earn a living while companies need to generate revenue.
“(But) by delaying the spread of the virus, we have had time to prepare our health facilities and mobilise some of the essential medical supplies needed to meet the inevitable increase in infections and it is in so doing, that we hope to save tens of thousands of lives,” Ramaphosa said as he justified the 35-day lockdown that ends on April 30.
“There is clear evidence that the lockdown has been working. Together with the other measures we have taken such as closing our borders and the changes in behaviour that each of us has made, the lockdown has slowed the progression of the pandemic in the country,” he said.
The World Health Organization has commended South Africa for acting swiftly and for following scientific advice to delay the spread of the virus, he added.
Just before the president’s speech, Health Minister Zweli Mkhize announced that there have been 318 new confirmed COVID-19 cases overnight, bringing the total in South Africa to 3,953. An unprecedented 10 new deaths within 24 hours raised the overall death toll to 75.
At the new level 4, borders will still remain closed and only travel to repatriate South African citizens abroad or take foreigners in South Africa back to their home countries will be permitted.
At level 3, there will be restrictions on several activities, including at workplaces and socially, to address a high risk of transmission.
Level 2 will allow some leisure and social activities with stringent physical distancing and other requirements to prevent a resurgence of the virus, while at level 1 most normal activity can resume, with precautions and health guidelines followed at all times.
One of the more significant changes allowed under level 4 is that the prohibition on selling cigarettes will be lifted.
There has been an outcry about the prohibition on cigarettes and liquor sales, especially from economists citing the huge loss in revenue to the government from excise duties on these items at a time when it is needed most for relief packages. However, the restrictions on alcohol will remain in place.
Ramaphosa said the five-level approach was guided by scientists who had recommended that a rushed reopening of the economy could result in a massive resurgence in infections.
On Tuesday, Ramaphosa announced a Rand 500 billion relief package of six-month additional grants to assist the destitute, children and the aged, as well as businesses in distress. (PTI)