Sacrifice of a saint

Sunil R P Sethi
She was moving on village streets holding finger of daughter who was barely walking with white Dhoti and blue odni covering her upper portion . Moving from one door to other educating women as also men belonging to lower caste of evil of MULAKARAM her eyes were moist when she was occasionally looking to village ladies belonging to her caste Aza moving without odni and nothing to hide their nakedness of bosoms because they were not in position to pay tax . Is this land which had the tradition of worshipping female power THE SHAKTI . When the society come out of double standards and stop treating lower castes as children of lesser God created to suffer humiliation for accident of their births.
She was told since her childhood that MULAKARAM,tax imposed on lower caste women for wearing covering their bare breasts in public was good and pious and it goes directly to the treasure of Lord Padmanabhaswamy, King and Lord of Travancore but she was unable to understand the whole logic of purchasing right to dignity from God by paying tax . What God and what justice . When she got married she started believing in mercy of God , the mercy which travelled to her in the shape and form of her husband Nand who took little time to agree with her and to be her support .
Moving after marriage in village with covered bosom and not paying MULAKARAM to village officer was taken to be act of defiance by village elders and high castes but that be it . She was stubborn and forth coming in her resolve neither to scumb to injustice and humiliation nor allow such brutalities and embarrassment to women folk of lower castes . With guidance and help from her husband she started moving from village to village urging masses to raise voice against evil tax . After initial rebuking and discouragement the lower caste population stated flocking around her and treating her saint and leader . She smiled Saint Nangeli. Sounded good . She looked at her daughter Nillama who smiled back .
She was summoned by special officer Vijayan who narrated to her the truth . Truth of immense wealth lying in the vaults of temple of Lord Padmanabhaswamy collected through different taxes from public . Taxes on spices , on pepper , on peasants, on traders and above all MULAKARAM. The tax of the God for the God for the sin of being born to lower caste so that her next birth will be in noble caste . She asked Vijayan whether father can distinguish between children and can subject one child to hatred and ridicule. He gave no answer but she got her and she continued in her pursuits .
She was told that matter was reported to King, servant of real king of Travancore lord Padmanabhaswamy who took offence to show of rebilion and lawlessness and sent her soldiers to get tax from her . She waited but not for long . Her door knocked early morning . She was asked to pay tax or be paraded naked bosoms in village to teach lessons to others to follow law . Choice was less . For her to fall from sainthood to mortality was impossible. She had to take decision all by herself as Nandan was out . Decision she took. She bolted the door and went inside kitchen for knife . Before there could be intervention she had done what was call of Justice. She had cut her both breasts . She came out crawling with breasts on banana leaves and crying Nillama. Shouting with feebleness she asked soldiers to parade naked breasts in the village and take to King Padmanabhaswamy Dass . All fainted .
News spread like fire and people starting pouring in thousands to pay respect and show obeisance to Saint . She smiled but was waiting for Nandan to come to take care of Neelima. Her breath was moving out and she had not long time in her wait . She failed at the face of death . He came but by that time she had gone. Villagers had not heard wailing and caring like Nandan . He was broken and shattered and while she was put on pyre and it was lit by Nandan, he jumped in leaving the disgusting world to join his wife .
News of self sacrifice reached nook and corner of Kingdom and reports of protests started coming in the capital . Emergency council meeting was called and king annulled the tax . At last she won her battle . Battle with unjust . Battle with oppression. She led first protest for women liberation. After her the village was named Machlipur meaning village of breasted women . She was Nangeli. Daughter of India . Liberator of Women. Symbol of Fight .
She won or did she really. The treasure collected because of like of MULAKARAM is still in vaults of temple of Lord Padmanabhaswamy ow estimated to be more than 5 trillion rupees. Her win is incomplete till treasure is restored back to masses who paid for it through humiliation atleast part of it . She is still waiting justice in heavens and wondering who is Bharat Mata if not she and if not all women who were made to move naked .