Saeed serious threat

This has reference to the news item, ‘Saeed serious threat’ DE Feb 22.
Hafiz Saeed, the most wanted man in India and a well known terrorist is not only a serious threat to Pakistan, as has been described by Pakistan’s Defense Minister but also to world. He should have been prosecuted much earlier but  he got full patronage from Pakistan Government. He was allowed to hold anti-India rallies time and again throughout Pakistan.
India had been repeatedly asking Pakistan to take action against Saeed for his involvement in Mumbai attack. But Pakistan never responded positively to India’s repeated requests. Instead, he was let scot free just to let down India.
His house arrest is mere an eye wash just to hoodwink the world. Pakistan is just trying toward off American pressure to keep herself in good books of President Trump.
Had Pakistan been sincere enough to act against terrorists, it wouldn’t have allowed mushrooming of so many militant organisations in the country. It will take much more time for Pakistan to realize the folly of extending patronage to these organisations.
Time is still with Pakistan. It must act against both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ militants for the sake of world peace.
Yours etc….
Nilam Mahajan