Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 5: Asking the officers to conduct regular and timely audits of the works done under MGNREGA, the Minister for Rural Development and Panchayats, Ali Mohammad Sagar has said that the same is necessary for ensuring transparency in the implementation of the scheme and also getting the necessary feedback at the ground level about the quality and status of works under this flagship programme.
The Minister was addressing the officers during a review meeting of the Directorate of Social Audit of MGNREGA here today. Commissioner /Secretary, Rural Development, Farooq Ahmad Peer, Directors Rural Development, Jammu, Srinagar, Shafiq Ahmad Raina, Mir Altaf Ahmad, Director Social Audit, Dr. A. G. Sofi, Social Auditors of different Districts and senior officers of the Rural Development Department were present.
Mr. Sagar said that the District Social Coordinators should ensure that the timely audit of various works undertaken in different Panchayats is done so that an effective feedback is obtained about the same and the implementation of the scheme is ensured. He said that they should submit these reports to the concerned, so that lacunae if any are removed and problems if any are redressed properly.
The Minister also directed the coordinators to do interactions with the concerned Panchayats and hold Gram Sabhas so that the firsthand information is got about the scheme. He also asked the officers to provide all the logistic support needed by these so that they can effectively carry on their work of auditing the Panchayats and submit the necessary feedback.
Mr. Sagar also met various deputations from different areas of the Jammu division. A deputation from R S Pura led by the former Minister, R. S. Chib projected various demands related to their area.
The Minister while interacting with them assured that their genuine demands will be looked into and redressed properly.