Sajjad Lone’s RSS connection an open secret: NC

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, June 27: National Conference today said that People’s Conference chief Sajjad Lone’s RSS connection and allegiance was an open secret and his defense of RSS and advocacy of Hindu-right wing’s presence in Kashmir Valley was not surprising.
In a joint statement issued from NC Headquarters in Srinagar by senior NC leaders including Chaudhary Mohammad Ramzan, Mir Saifullah, Mohamamd Shafi Uri, Mohammad Akbar Lone, Qiaser Jamshed Lone, Kafil-ur-Rehman and Nasir Khan, the party lashed out at Lone for his defense of RSS ploys and secret plans in Kashmir and said it is in stark contrast to what Sajjad Lone, his family and his party had been saying during the two decade long turmoil in Kashmir. “First they sent our youth across the border and built their personal estates and vast empires on their graves and now Sajjad Lone says those who wave Pakistani flags should go to Pakistan. His batting for the RSS in interview with a paper is just a fresh chapter in an old book as Sajjad Lone has always been a plant of intelligence agencies in Kashmir and has been put here to do intelligence agencies’ bidding at different crucial junctures”, the senior NC leaders said in the statement.
“It is because of entities and proxies like Sajjad Lone that BJP and RSS are trying to penetrate into Kashmir to destroy the secular fabric of the State and to strengthen agenda of RSS to abrogate Article 370 and the J&K’s State Subject Law”, said the joint statement
Lashing out at Sajjad Lone for trying to misrepresent truth to hide guilt for embracing the anti-Muslim, anti-minority and anti-Kashmir RSS to get a Ministerial Berth in the PDP-BJP Government, the NC leaders said National Conference had entered into an alliance with the NDA at the Center and not with BJP in the State. “National Conference even defeated a sitting BJP MP from Jammu during that alliance with NDA that was led by Prime Minister Vajpayee. That alliance came into effect when National Conference had a two-third majority in the State Assembly and the motive of that alliance was not power or CM’s chair. That alliance was forged for goals of peace and stability in the region and no principles were surrendered or compromised with. Quite opposite to that, Sajjad Lone’s arrangement with the BJP and the RSS was purely to plead for a Cabinet Minister’s chair in Mufti Sayeed’s Cabinet, the same Mufti Mohammad Sayeed who Sajjad Lone called source of all evil in J&K’s politics and architect of massacres in Kashmir”, the NC leaders stated.
NC also lashed out at Sajjad Lone for opposing the 44,000 crore flood relief package for the State and said Sajjad terming the package as an “election stunt” and a “wild guess” was just a proxy-attempt by the BJP Government in Delhi to escape its responsibilities and promise towards the flood victims.
The NC Leaders said National Conference would defend secular and cultural ethos of J&K against the mischief of RSS and its proxies in the State’s politics and that NC would never allow anyone to toy with the interests of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.