Salute to our jawans!

Colonel R D Singh ( Retd)
The massive rescue and relief operations launched by army and air force in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, in the wake of flash floods, rains, and land slides, in which hundreds of people have died, has reinforced the faith of the people in the humane face of our men in uniform. Operation SURYA HOPE ( Army), and Operation Rahat (Airforce), involving nearly 10,000 troops, dozens of air crafts and helicopters, engineer equipment, logistics infrastructure etc, have saved hundreds of precious lives, and are continuing to do so. It is these dedicated soldiers, along with the ITBP and NDMF, who are fast restoring the lines of communication, and providing succour to the marooned people, and stranded pilgrims. People have been rescued from over 60 villages, and air suppliers of food, clothing, and medicines have been made in tones. The recce missions by the Air Force have been extremely useful in identifying the worst affected areas, and sending the reliefs to most needy places. The army and air force have been undertaking hazardous missions, risking their lives, to save the lives and property of fellow beings.
One point needs to be re-emphasized at the cost of repetition – we refuse to learn our lessons, despite suffering from such tragedies, and natural calamities, every year. We live from crisis to crisis. Our disaster management plans are still inadequate, and ill prepared. We still do not bother seriously about ecology and environment care, resorting to mindless deforestation, unplanned construction of buildings, ignoring eco-sensitive areas, race for hydel projects, blocking water channels etc . Then, neither the Met Department gives stern warnings ( only general warnings), nor are weather forecasting and dissemination of information streamlined for action. Are the central and state govts listening, please?
It is surprising that despite 65 years of our independence the civil administration, is still not geared up to face these challenges. It raises its hands, and finally it is the army which comes to the rescue of people. The services have proved to be a saviour of the people, every time when faced with a disaster situation. From rescue operations to providing all the medical facilities, to clearing the debris to building bridges to flying in relief materials – it is these valiant people in olive greens and blue ( Air Force) who turn out to messihas of the people in need. A similar operation was carried out by army, supported by air force, in Leh and areas around, in August 2010, when the town was devastated by a cloud burst. It not only saved lives, but helped in rebuilding the town, including the ‘Rancho’ school at Choglamsar, patrionised by Aamir Khan remember the film ( Three Idiots).
Lets salute the soldiers who protect us not only at the borders, but also provide succor during disasters and natural calamities. On our part, we can’t fight nature. But we can definitely join hands to help those in distress. And those of us who have still not thought of helping the Uttarakhand victims, lets do so now. Lets contribute in thought and action. What ever we can donate in cash or kind, or even a unit of our blood, we should do so to help our fellow beings. The ‘abode of God’ can not afford to be left in ruins.