Can the world famous Dal and Nageen lakes in Srinagar be revived, rescued and salvaged in order to ensure that the earlier grace, sheen and glory which they commanded could be brought back? Lakes and Waterways Development Authority (LAWDA) has been asked recently by the High Court to submit due response in the matter in respect of the report submitted by the Committee of Experts (CoE). LAWDA is the nodal organisation and perhaps the most appropriate authority looking after the important job though apparently not that easy and is made responsible and accountable for these two lakes getting back to what once they used to be but not very far back. Pollution, abuse, undue exploitation and encroachments have started worsening the conditions of these lakes since only two to three decades. LAWDA may have differences with the CoEs on certain points but definitely not on major ones which as per the directives of the court, could be sorted out with them.
It is also an admitted fact that the entire process needed massive funds and an estimated amount of Rs. 1500 crore was needed for the prestigious project which, after due appraisal must be sanctioned by the Government as LAWDA must not be having as much budgeted base. It is irony that most of such matters of sensitivity are looked after and monitored closely by the State High Court thus generating hope that the matter would get due attention from the authorities who otherwise seem to be apathetic to the important issue.