“Samvidhaan Hatya Divas” to commemorate emergency excesses

Balbir Ram Rattan
Union Government has taken a significant step by officially declaring June 25 as “Samvidhaan Hatya Divas” or Constitution Murder Day, marking a stark reminder of the Emergency imposed by the Indira Gandhi Government in 1975.
The decision, articulated through an official notification by the Union Home Ministry published in the Gazette of India on July 12, underscores the grave abuses of power witnessed during the 21-month period of Emergency. The proclamation highlights “gross abuse of power” and “atrocities” committed by the government of the day, which resulted in widespread suppression of civil liberties and democratic rights.
The newly established Constitution Murder Day aims to honour and remember those who courageously opposed the emergency measures and suffered for upholding constitutional values. It also serves as a solemn reaffirmation of India’s commitment to democracy and a poignant reminder of the imperative to protect constitutional freedoms.
Historical Context of the Emergency
During the Emergency, the Indira Gandhi-led Government suspended fundamental rights, imposed censorship on the press, and detained thousands of political leaders and activists without due process. The period also witnessed population control measures, notably a controversial mass sterilization campaign that impacted millions of Indian men.
Critics of the Emergency, both past and present, have underscored its detrimental impact on democratic institutions and individual freedoms guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. The decision to observe June 25 as “Samvidhaan Hatya Divas” is seen as a pivotal move towards safeguarding democracy from potential future abuses of power.
Reactions and Significance
In response to the Government’s initiative, voices across the political spectrum have expressed support, viewing it as a necessary acknowledgment of historical injustices and a commitment to preventing such violations from recurring. The designation of June 25 as “Samvidhaan Hatya Divas” adds a poignant chapter to India’s annual calendar, commemorating a period when the nation’s democratic fabric was severely thrashed.
This commemorative day not only honours the resilience of India’s democracy but also serves as a stark reminder of the vigilance required to uphold constitutional principles in the face of authoritarian tendencies. It underscores the importance of preserving the freedoms and rights enshrined in the Constitution and ensuring that the lessons learned from the Emergency are never forgotten.
Looking Forward
As India prepares to observe Constitution Murder Day annually, the focus remains on learning from history to prevent future assaults on democratic values. The Government’s decision reflects a commitment to transparency, accountability, and respect for constitutional governance, ensuring that the principles of democracy remain sacrosanct.
The establishment of Constitution Murder Day represents a critical milestone in India’s ongoing journey towards safeguarding democracy and protecting the rights of its citizens. It symbolizes a collective resolve to never allow such violations of democratic norms and individual freedoms to occur again in the nation’s history.