Sanatan Dharma is invincible

Shiban Khaibri
It is not difficult to simply interpret Sanatan as constant -immutable – having neither any beginning nor end, or “eternal religion” , ”unshakeable and indestructible “, “ancient and original, ” true and ever continuing” ”religion of the soul” and the one everlasting and totally invincible . Call it even Vedic Dharma , Hindutva Dharma , call it world’s oldest religion and a constituent of world’s oldest civilization. The religion of eternal truth of seeking truth , religion of evolution , elasticity and reforms in tune with the changing times. Casting aspersions on its vastness and greatness of all hues is tantamount to be either totally ignorant or be prejudiced for no reason. Hundreds of zealot invaders who attacked this country on recurring basis and even ruled cumulatively for centuries over a period of nearly a 1000 years could not ”finish” this eternal religion despite employing all means of persecution ,razing countless places of worship to ground – most of them being engineering and architectural marvels , undermining cultures and traditions, forcible evangelical methods, tyrannies and mass killings . Before the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians had built their civilizations , the Vedic India existed and Vedic hymns resounded everywhere. Whether Holy Vedas , the basis of the eternal Sanatan religion , were older than even 50000 years, authoritatively cannot be said except only by true experts , yet the oldest records of the world of Vedas- the Rigveda – is said to be more than 5000 year old .
Having presented a prelude to the theme above, it is quite stunning that some politicians , as a matter of habit, should attack our religion and all those politicians especially from Congress who keep on spreading canards and misinformation that “Nafrat” is being spread so much, so as to analogically terming the same as spreading of kerosene throughout the country by the BJP and Narendra Modi , should choose to remain silent and look to the other side . This time, the harshest attack on Hindu religion is not from Pakistan or Afghanistan or Turkey or Lebanon etc but from this country – a clarion call – to wipe out, finish , eradicate and eliminate Sanatan Dharma has been given by a Minister in Tamil Nadu government Udhainidhi Stalin who happens to be the son of the Chief Minister. This statement , he gave just within 24 hours after I . N . D . I . A , the anti Modi conglomerate, of which the DMK is a constituent and a “natural ally ” of Congress, had met in Mumbai . Has such an unusual highly provocative statement got to do with some hidden agenda of the conglomerate ? If not , in that case , why should it not come out openly in not only condemning such an offensive and derogatory statement but fearing poll reverses, ask the DMK to leave the ”alliance” . Such a silence of the anti Modi alliance is deafening and tactful silence or a very calculated distancing means total and wholesome endorsement of the call to finish Sanatan Dharma just like Corona virus was finished. This Minister , his father CM or his Party DMK had or has no idea , no feeling or no knowledge of how Hindus in millions across the country are very deeply hurt.
Any type of justification for attacking the faith of crores of people , any clarification, shedding crocodile tears for manufactured ”oppressed” people , alibi of social evils , disparities and inequalities or whatever one could invent in support, is totally unacceptable, ridiculous , bizarre , motivated and a demonstration of one-upmanship. That makes the guilt of injuring religious feelings of the most peaceful and tolerant people in the country , more severe and serious . Agreed, the DMK is cloistered with its own brand of politics in that state only as it knows it has no takers elsewhere in any state but that does not mean that it has license to denigrate and threaten a religion of thousands of years old . More acceptability of Sanatan worldwide as a religion of intense and high spirituality , promoting peace , tolerance and co-existence, logical and scientific inclination, ecological and environmental high consciousness, tolerance , yog, meditation , compassionate towards plants , water, natural resources etc is finding more acceptability and following among the people in number of foreign countries including China as a result of which the population / followers of the Sanatan Dharam, being a billion as on date is expected to touch 1.5 billion in the very near future.
What is more shocking is that the Minister in question not only is having no remorse at all over what he said nor any apology nor withdrawing such unsavoury , uncharitable and threatening statement from the DMK party but he seems emboldened due to no political party other than the BJP only condemning it about which he boastfully made a mention too. In other words, it appears that no other party be it Congress, TMC, NCP, SP, RJD, JMM, JDU, AAP etc wants to condemn the DMK stand on Sanatan Dharam and instead are ready to afford to antagonise the vast 80% majority of his country. In fact, a Congress leader termed it as “Every political party having freedom to articulate its views”. Another Congress leader from Karnataka supported Stalin and said, “A religion which does not promote equality is a disease” . Another Congress MP son of former union minister came in support of the DMK Minister. On the other hand, it is absolutely unbelievable and shocking as it is when “nautanki” or gimmick of donning pooja vastra and making rounds of a few temples at the time of electioneering by some political leaders to woo Hindu votes, is seen with awe and astonishment. Even chameleon is nowhere in comparison in changing colours. However, perhaps , the voters of Sanatan Dharam shall very sensitively remember this all and duly respond to with their vote on the day of reckoning – the general elections in 2024.
From a country , since times immemorial predominantly abode of the great Sanatani civilization, such attacks can be attributed to various factors . Due to ineffective , non-visionary and non assertive political leadership for decades even after partition and taking birth of two theocratic countries from out of this country, the Hindu population has been on the receiving end and the same process, more or less, that was conspicuous by its operation prior to 1947 has been continuing, if analysed rationally. Right from partition to making this country a secular country, Hindu community was never consulted and acquiesce obtained from them. On the other hand, conversions and missionary activities were freely allowed under the full knowledge , if not active patronage of the central governments right from 1947 especially in North East. Just look at the figures of population and demographic equations , one would know about the sea change of demographic position between 1901 and 2001 in North Eastern states of the country . Who in the process are ultimate losers and targeted? On the other hand, another most disturbing factor- tilting the demographic equations – has been going on in the form of continuous influx of Bangladeshi citizens and now followed by ”refugees” from Myanmar for the last few years. Even during late 50s and 60s , there was even official patronage of ”helping and settlement of refugees from Burma” in Manipur and adjoining areas. It is shocking to know that on India Bangladesh Border , no use of lethal weapons ,absolutely not, under an official agreement in vogue for decades, continues even under the present government, resulting in not only people from the other side continuing to enter this country but cattle smuggling too thrives along this border. Who are hit the most by this demographic invasion?
No official census of such illegal immigrants in the country has been conducted as it does not take much time by these people in obtaining necessary documents to get all benefits and lay claim to this country as “its citizens” . The oft repeated , if not worn out rhetoric, of most of the political Parties’ spokespersons especially from the opposition , on countless TV debates that ”this country will be governed as per the constitution” proved totally deceptive in the instant case where the Minister concerned Udhainidhi Stalin having taken oath on constitution, blatantly violated its tenets by spreading intense hate as a result of reading out a written statement equating Sanatan Dharma with “mosquitoes, Dengue, Malaria and Corona” adding that it should be eradicated just like these ailments.” The Minister Udhainidhi Stalin has given such a call of very serious ramifications under a sinister organised plan as his diatribe amounted to either mass conversions or deportation if not a genocide . In other words, Sanatan Dharma means its followers due to which it is surviving for thousands of years being the oldest religion of the world , depicting an oldest surviving civilization and unless its followers were dealt with or “treated” accordingly , how Sanatan could be eradicated? While , again , despite such a grave provocation from a person and his family pursuing a religion other than the Sanatan Dharma , the tolerance levels of the Hindus especially in his own state where they form 88% of the population, is unimaginably unprecedented despite such grave provocations. At the outset, had Stalin dared even remotely taking such unwarranted liberty with any other religion , he would have seen for himself the difference.