Sandusky faces 51 counts after one charge dropped

BELLEFONTE, PA, June 19: The defense for accused child sex offender Jerry Sandusky resumes today after a first day of testimony in which witnesses for the former Penn State football coach vouched for his good character.
The high-profile trial is in its final stages, with Judge John Cleland telling jurors yesterday he expected closing arguments to take place on Thursday.
The jury of seven women and five men then will be sequestered at a local hotel, he said.
Sandusky, 68, the former defensive coordinator for Pennsylvania State University’s high-powered football program, is accused of abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period, some at university facilities.
The charges focused renewed national attention on child sexual abuse and prompted the firing in November of university President Graham Spanier and legendary head football coach Joe Paterno.
Eight of the alleged victims, now men aged 18 to 28, offered sometimes-graphic testimony last week for the prosecution. The testimony included accounts of molestation ranging from groping and bear hugs in football showers to oral and anal sex.
With defense attorney Joe Amendola seeking a more upbeat assessment of Sandusky, two former Penn State assistant coaches, Booker Brooks and Richard Anderson, testified that it was not unusual for men to shower with boys in Penn State locker rooms.
Anderson said he had seen Sandusky in the showers with children, but never saw anything inappropriate. Brooks told jurors he had also showered with children and he considered Sandusky “a great guy.”