Saran report did not say China occupying Indian territory: Antony

NEW DELHI, Sept 6: Defence Minister A K Antony today came  out with a strong denial of media report about National Security Advisory Board chairman Shayam Saran stating in a report to Prime  Minister Manmohan Singh that China had occupied a part of Indian territory in the Ladakh region.

”I would like to state categorically that Mr Shyam Saran has  not stated in this report that China has occupied, or has denied access to China to any part of Indian territory,” Mr Antony said  in a statement in the Lok Sabha.

”There is no question of India cedeing any part of its territory to China,” Mr Antony said in response to the  Opposition’s demand but failed to satisfy them, leading to  noisy protests in the House.

The House, thereafter, was adjourned for an hour till 1400  hrs.

The Opposition had yesterday expressed great concern over the media report which claimed that Mr Saran in his report submitted  to the Prime Minister had stated that China had occupied 640  sq km of Indian territory and was blocking access of Indian  troops to the area.

Mr Antony said Mr Saran had visited Ladakh from August 2 to 9 this year and submitted a report on infrastructure in the region,  a copy of which had been sent by the Prime Minister’s Office to  the Defence Ministry, amomg others, on September 2.

The report’s main focus was on the border infrastructure, but  it also dealt with several aspects relating to the region  covering a ”broad spectrum of activities and requirement,” he said.

The report has reviewed progress in development of border infrastructure required to ensure connectivity betwen Ladakh and neighbouring areas, and discussed matters like availability of modern machinery for construction and maintenance of roads, their upgradation, tunelling and alternate alignments, the Defence Minister said.

He said requirement of air facilities in the region and issues relating to land acquisition and environment and wildlife have  also been discussed.

The document also covered other issues like employment opportunities for local youth, mobile and internet connectivity,  law and order, better equipment and facilities for ITBP, certain grievances of local peoeple, Mr Antony said.

Seeking to allay the apprehensions of the members, he said  the government kept a constant watch on all developments having  a bearing on India’s security and took all necessary measures to safeguard it.

The Defence Minister sought to further assure the House, saying, ”The Government would continue to strengthen our capabilities in border areas to protect national interest.”

However, the main Opposition BJP, the SP and other opposition members were not satisfied with the Minister’s reply, and they wanted some clarifications, but Speaker Meira Kumar refused  their demand and said they could give a notice if they wanted to discuss the matter further.

The BJP members, led by Yashwant Sinha, persisted in their  demand and SP’s Mulayam Singh Yadav too was seen saying something  in an agitated mood but his words were not audible in the prevailing  din, but his party member Shailendra Kumar could be heard saying that the government was hiding something.

Ms Kumar made repeated appeals to them to go back to their  seats and let the discussion on the Street Vendors Bill proceed.  She asked Meena Singh of the JD(U) to speak on the Bill but the members continued their protest, forcing the Speaker to adjourn  the House till 1400 hrs.