Sarpanchs to stay away from Parliamentary elections

Suhail Bhat
Srinagar, Mar 16: Amid militant threats and killings, All Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Conference, has decided to stay away from the upcoming Parliamentary by-elections and has advised the members of local bodies to refrain from “political activity” of any sort.
Addressing a press conference in Srinagar, Chairman All Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Conference, Shafiq Mir, said that they have asked its members to stay away from any political activity as it goes against the essence of the Panchayat Raj institution.
“Whenever elections are round the corner Sarpanchs are killed as over the years both Central and State Government have used us for their own ends. The institution is a community-based institution and has nothing to do with politics. The Political parties are responsible for everything. We are here to raise local grievances “, he said
Asked about the recent threat posters in South Kashmir he said: “These posters are for political parties and our institute is apolitical. I think the posters are the result of what happened after the last panchayat elections. After the election, the political parties’ miss- represented the election results and linked it with their political agendas like Self-determination, Autonomy etc. However, we have nothing to do with it and I think the posters are meant for political parties. They are better to clarify the issue”, he said.
He said that sarpanchs and panches have been demanding individual security but the government has always turned down by the state Government. “I think Government should provide security to every citizen. But so far they have failed to do so”.
Pertinently, soon after the announcement of the dates for the Parliamentary elections, militants killed an ex- sarpanch in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district.
Muneer Ahmad Khan, a headman at Meelyal Kupwara explained that out of 4128 Panchs Government has provided security to only 12 people which is a sheer injustice.”They have not delivered on the promised which they made. We are the kingpins of democracy and work at the grassroots level but political indifference towards us has put our lives at risk. Not only are we only families facing the same threat. The institution is for the namesake”, he said.