Save Academic Institutions

It is unfortunate that we are witnessing unlawful activities in the academic institutions for the last several years in the country Educational institutions impart knowledge to our students in a manner to shape their personality so that they could face challenges smoothly. There is no discrimination with regard to communication of teaching learning process among the students of our country. Everybody has a right to receive education irrespective of any caste, creed or sex. There are instances when our students indulge in politics and as such pollute the academic atmosphere in institution. Some politicians in the country also play ugly roles and exploit student community for their political ends.
This is a dangerous trend that kindles other spheres in the set up. Recently, we have noticed that there are student unions who organise students for anti-national activities in the country. Some of them raise anti-national slogans in the premises of the institutions at the nose of the management. It is a strange thing how such anti-national elements are free to promote divisive forces in the country. Here we can not rule out that among the teaching faculty also directly or indirectly encourage such elements as has been recently witnessed in Jammu where a political science professor dubbed Bhagat Singh as a terrorists. This growing trend must end and for this our Govt should curb it by an iron hand.
S N Raina