Save Devika

This refers to the Article ‘ Save Devika river’ published in Daily Excelsior Sunday edition on May 5. Like Devika river Doodh Ganga , Nallah Arpath (Anantnag) , Nallah Vaishav (Kulgam) and above all river Jehlum are also filled with trash , garbage and liquid waste. Ironically municipal committees of Anantnag , Baramulla and Sopore dump their garbage in river Jehlum. I won’t only criticize municipal employees but many people also are involved in similar shameful acts. Even the lavatories have been constructed on the banks of rivers in Kashmir valley which is a great sin as water is so precious and making it dirty is not only scientifically wrong but it is a great sin as per religious teachings of Islam and other religions. Devika and Tawi rivers including rivers in Kashmir valley like Jehlum, Doodh Ganga , Lidder must be allocated separate budget . Govt must create a separate agency for waste management and restoration of water bodies in the State. Religious preachers need to focus on environmental issues so that more and more people understand the hazards of un scientific disposal of waste in water bodies
Sajad Hussain
Alamgari Bazar