Save Girl Child

Rashim Deepika
“Welcome to this world of girl child, yet gloomy, hopeful, and in despair. The hand that rocks the cradle, the mother of tomorrow is still a shadow of loneliness. This beautiful creature of God is still facing the humanity”.
Traditions and rituals outlines the existence of Indian girl. Amidst uproars of gender equality and laws, female infants are still found in trash. Even these days “Right to life” is snatched from dozens of unborn girl fetus.
Discrimination against women in various forms have been integral part of our civilization. When a girl is born, instead of being happy, parents get worried about their new burden. If we go in our rituals, we find traditional songs related to birth of boy child and not of girl child.
We are living in a patriarchal society, where a son is valued as carrier of family name as well as all rituals. Even in post death rituals also, parents prefer only boy child.
Many people take girl as great responsibility because of dangers in being it seen  as a sex object.  There are other causes of female feticide like poverty, lack of education, future speculation, dowry etc.
Even technology has also facilitated selective abortion of the girl child. Amniocentesis was introduced in 1975 to identify genetic abnormalities.
Unfortunately,  soon it became tool for sex determination and that has snatched the right to life from number of our tiny angels. As it has been rightly quoted that
People love to have a “Mother”
People love to have a “Wife”
People love to have a “Sister”
People love to have a girlfriend too then why not a daughter ??…
India is growing dynamically in every field, but still we have  bias against girl child. We Indian, call our nation as “Mother India” and are great devotees of Goddess, but openly we are playing double standard games. On one side, if we are worshiping Maa Lakshmi, Maa Saraswati, Maa Durga then on the other sides why we are destroying the precious gift of nature i.e. “Girl Child”? If there will be no girl, there will be no world.
“Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojna” of Govt. of India, a social campaign was  launched on 22 January 2015 by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Its main aim was to address the declining child sex ratio. This scheme was joint effort of Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development. Sakshi Malik, bronze medalist of Olympics became brand Ambassador of Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign on 26 August 2016.
It is high time to broaden our mindset and address this issue. Life is beautiful and set is  full filled by our mother, sister, wife and daughter “Girls are the spirit of our Nation. Save them and stop their exploitation. Let our daughter grow, be her friend not her foe”.