SAVE members meet CS; discuss uniform dairy policy, establishment of AWB

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 3: Members of SAVE-a society working for animal welfare and representing the cause of animals, today met Chief Secretary Arun Kumar Mehta and discussed issues related to welfare of animals.
In the meeting, the grave issue of Lumpy Skin Disease inflicting dairy cattle, their increasing abandonment, loss to the farmers, and also long-term implications on human health, was discussed in a detailed manner. The discussion also held on regulation and registration of dairy units in the cities for the safe existence of both humans and animals alike.
The SAVE members presented a copy of the most progressive and updated Dairy Policy was presented for consideration and to be circulated to all ULBs in Jammu and Kashmir. The members said that the policy is progressive and most updated as it encompasses the directions issued by the National Green Tribunal and subsequent guidelines of the Central Pollution Control Board, wherein certain duties have been given to the local authorities.
Chairperson of the Society Devinder Kaur Madaan and Advocate Vishal Khajuria apprised the Chief Secretary that The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 (59 0f 1960) was enacted to prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals and it extends to the whole of India.
“While the Animal Welfare Board of India Working under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, is mandated to implement the provisions of the PCA Act, 1960, and the Rules made there under, the overall objective cannot be realized in the absence of any State level body to monitor and enforce such provisions and bring the concepts of animal welfare into the policy framework of the respective Governments of states and Union Terirtories.
Chief Secretary graciously promised to do the needful soon and marked the proposals to Additional Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo who is also holding the charge of Principal Secretary Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying for necessary action.