Saving Trikuta mountains

Kiran Kumar Sharma
In a bid to keep the Trikuta Mountains pollution free, plastic free, clean and green, IVF in collaboration with SMVDU continues with its awareness campaign series on the theme “Save The Trikuta Mountains”. The motive behind organising this campaign is to educate the tourists/pilgrims, locals, shopkeepers, vendors, etc about their responsibilities towards environment and make them realise the importance of the Shivalik Range, which is one the greatest hubs of Bio-diversity.
It is pertinent  to mention that the  Holy Shrine of Maa Vaishno Devi Ji  is one of the Hindu’s prominent pilgrimage across India where pilgrims not only from India but also from  abroad pay visit. Moreover, this pilgrimage  forms a major source of  revenue  for J&K Government. The Tourism Department of J&K is committed to increase the number of  pilgrims/tourists and provides all possible facilities to assist and ease the tourists. As a result of it, the pilgrims coming to Katra is increasing day by day (11 Millions in a year). So its repercussion on the floura and fauna of these holy mountains, is obviously, not congenial. The load of tourists activities and man-made interventions to promote facilities for the tourists, is continuously degrading the natural beauty of the Trikuta Mountains and affects its floura and fauna. It may have deadly repercussions, if you have heard about recent landslides in the new route. Not only this, the growing non-bio-degradable accumulation in the deep gorges is a major concern that is polluting the environment. The irresponsible acts from the part of  tourists viz. non use of dustbins, throwing plastic products in the deep gorges of the mountains, littering rubbish, etc are polluting the environment of the Trikuta Mountains which is an abode of Maa Vaishno Devi Ji. The burning of polythenes and  plastic products in the  trenches prepared by the authorities  adds  to the air  pollution and is a risk for  forest fire in the Trikuta Mountains. Another serious problem on the way to the Shrine is Mules dung which keeps lying for hours and creates breathing problem among the pilgrims walking up and down. The public toilets on the way to Bhavan, are not often clean and its surroundings usually under severe smell.
While the whole country is observing the “Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan” undertaken by Prime Minister, therefore, we can see increase in the number of Cleanliness Drives across India. There have been people working tirelessly in the same field since long. “Swachh Bharat” initiative has only encouraged them even more to come up and do their good work with more enthusiasm. In Jammu province, IVF and SMVDU is trying to create awareness about cleanliness and environmental conservation among locals, tourists and shopkeepers. In March and October, 2014, a rally of 100 students was flagged off by Prof. S.K. Jain, Vice-Chancellor, SMVDU, Katra, from the university campus, respectively. The volunteers marched towards Bhavan, covering a distance of 26 Km with great enthusiasm and passion for conserving the natural beauty of the Holy Trikuta Mountains which is an abode of  Maa Vaishno Devi Ji. On the way, they conducted cleanliness drive and appealed to the masses to contribute their bit in making Swacch Trikuta Parbhat. The  volunteers  interacted with hundreds of  tourists, locals, shopkeepers, vendors,etc sensitize them about their responsibilities towards environment which is an integral part of our life and make Trikuta mountains  pollution free, plastic free, clean and green. The volunteers spread awareness regarding regular use of dustbins, proper disposal of polythene bags/coats and raised voice against the non bio degradable waste like polythene bags, plastic bottles and other rubbish thrown by the tourists in the deep gorges. Moreover, they raised awareness about the health hazards caused by accumulation of these plastic products lying in the environment. They also carried with them dozens of placards and distributed thousands of phamplets to the pilgrims as well as locals and stressed on ban over polythene use  and minimum use of polythene products from Darshini Darwaza, Katra. Afforestation must be included in the regular activities of the authorities to fulfil the loss due to man made activities. Various slogans such as “Hum Sab Ka Yeh Nara Hai, Trikuta Ko Bachana Hai”, “Aao Milke Trikuta Sajayein, Isay Hara Bara Banaye”, “Don’t  Throw Litters in the Gorges”, “Save Trikuta , Save Tomarrow”, “Less Pollution Is The Best Solution”,etc were also raised by them.
This is high time for all of us to stand together and join hands to “Save The Trikuta Mountains” and aware the public about the worsening condition of Trikuta Mountains due to our irresponsible acts. We should visit Maa Vaishno Devi Ji as a pilgrim not as a tourist is and do not think this holy place, a picnic spot. The Shrine Board needs to come up with effective steps, such as use of latest technology for solid waste management (as recommended by TERI in 2011), promotion of sanitation, stimulating the pollution control board,  participation of locals to conserve the natural beauty and dignity of this holy place. One thing that cannot be denied that print and electronic media can play a vital role in sensitizing the public on Save The Trikuta Mountains in every nook and corner of Inda. To end with, I would say that if we want to make Trikuta Mountains Plastic and Pollution Free, Inclusive Participation and Coodination is required from the part of  State and Central Government Departments and Officials, Civil Societies and people from all walks of life and all those hurdles that threaten  the conservation and preservation of  Trikuta Mountains must be dealt strictly.