Say ‘No to polythene bags’

The menace of polythene bags is growing dangerously. Each and every shop, big or small is considered useless if it cannot provide polythene bags to its customers. No doubt these polythene bags are easy to carry but the impact they cause on the environment is far more dangerous than their utility. We can see polythene bags every where on roadsides, gardens, drains etc. There are no end to these bags.
The polythene bags are non-biodegradable, i.e they cannot be decomposed by micro organisms into the free state of nature. They remain as they are even after many years, decades. Even the animals consuming these polythene bags die an unnatural death due to the damage caused in their internal body system.
During the rainy season drains get blocked and over flooded because of these polythene bags.
Thus, the State Government has banned the use of polythene bags. However the ban is not visible on the ground as we see shopkeepers still using polythene bags. It is not only the duty of the Government to look into this matter but it is also the duty of each and every individual to see that we don’t use these bags. By using these bags we will not only harm the environment but ourselves also. The people too seem to be oblivious to the need of saying ‘No to polythene bags.’
Sanjay Dhar
Laxmi Nagar, Sarwal