SC is incorruptible, there is no Govt interference in judiciary: ASG

MUMBAI: The Supreme Court of India is “incorruptible” and any claim of perceived interference by the executive in the judiciary is unfounded, Additional Solicitor General Pinky Anand said today.

Anand, whose tenure as the ASG was recently extended till 2020 by the Union Government, said constant apprehensions or questions on the judgments or views taken by the courts, including the SC, must stop as they affect the sanctity of the institution, and referred to the matters like Judge Loya’s death and Aadhaar.

“The Supreme Court is incorruptible. There is no interference by the Government in the day-to-day functions of the courts. However, constant apprehensions or questions on the judgments or views taken by the courts, including the SC, must stop,” Anand said at the India Today Conclave here.

“SC decides all cases solely on the rule of law. However, these constant questions affect the sanctity of the institution. These questions, be it the matters of Judge Loya, Aadhaar, Hadiya, at some point, we need to call it a day,” Anand said, referring to the death of the judge, who was presiding over the trial  of the Sohrabuddin Shaikh encounter case, and other controversial issues before the apex court.