NEW DELHI, July 22: In a huge relief to Bollywood actor Aamir Khan, the Supreme Court today refused to entertain a petition filed by an NGO, Arrive Safe Society, seeking its intervention for taking action against the filmstar for allegedly ‘misusing’ the national emblem in his programme ‘Satyamev Jayate’.
Finding no merit in the plea of the NGO, a division bench of the Apex Court, headed by Chief Justice Tirath Singh Thakur, said, “there was no merit in the plea,” and dismissed the petition.
Chandigarh resident Harman S Sidhu, representing the NGO, told the Apex court that the Bollywood’s famous film actor had allegedly misused the national emblem in his programme.
The Apex court, however, said that if he had any specific grievance then he can go to the police. The Punjab and Haryana High Court had on November 3, 2015 dismissed the plea of the NGO. After this, the NGO, had approached the Apex Court seeking to set aside the High Court order.
The Punjab and Haryana High Court, had in its order, while dismissing the NGO’s plea, said, “The issue raised in this writ petition is with regard to improper use of national emblem. Such use is already prohibited under the law.
If any individual has improperly used the national emblem, it will be open for the petitioner to initiate appropriate action against him/her in accordance with law.” (UNI)