Scholars, academicians, pol activists vouch for reorganisation of J&K

PK holds seminar on 29th homeland day

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 29: Reiterating the demand regarding political reorganisation of Jammu & Kashmir State and division of Kashmir province to create a Centrally administered Union Territory under the name of separate homeland for the rehabilitation of internally displaced Kashmiri Hindus to the North and East of river Jehlum, the academicians, intelligentsia and political activists belonging to Jammu, Ladakh and Hindus of Kashmir, participated in a seminar organized by Panun Kashmir (PK) to commemorate the 29th Homeland Day.
The participants fully endorsed the demand of granting Union Territory status to Ladakh and full Statehood to Jammu region.
“Division of Kashmir to create a UT in Kashmir for rehabilitating the displaced, UT for Ladakh and Statehood to Jammu are imperative to defeat the ongoing religious fascist war being waged by Pakistan in J&K. said the speakers.
The seminar was presided over by the chairman of PK, Dr. Ajay Chrungoo. Shailendr Aima conducted the proceedings and Kuldeep Raina proposed the vote of thanks.
Dr. Ajay Chrungoo in his presidential address said that any effort to correct the present situation of J&K behaving as Muslim State in the territory of India is being opposed tooth and nail by Muslim leadership of Kashmir which is acting as a Muslim monolith. “J&K has to cease to be a Muslim State if India has to survive as a secular nation”, he added.
Dr. Agnishekhar, convenor PK said that the struggle for Homeland is an unflinching commitment to the Margdarshan resolution for political reorganization of the State of Jammu & Kashmir and for creation of a Centrally Administered Union Territory of Panun Kashmir for the return and rehabilitation of the 7.5 lakh Hindus of Kashmir.
T. Samphel, Ex-MLA Leh and the first LBA president, lambasted the Indian State as also the political structure of Jammu and Kashmir for holding the people of Ladakh hostage to the whims and fancies of the Kashmir-centric politics for seven decades, who have unleashed a no-holds bar demographic assault in the Ladakh region.
Adv. Ankur Sharma, Chairman IkkJutt Jammu, pledged his support to the political reorganization of the State and division of Kashmir.
A prominent Kashmiri Hindu leader and foremost intellectual, Sushil Pandit, emphasizing on necessity to contest the regressive politics dominating all shades of political spectrum in Jammu & Kashmir, said that Government should bear in mind that fascist movements have to be defeated intellectually to liberate the people from its grip.
Piarre Lal Kaul Badgami, a veteran Trade Union leader, lauded unflinching efforts and for creating a historical opportunity for the re-organization of the Jammu and Kashmir.