School dropout conundrum in India

Prof D Mukhopadhyay
Inclusive education is widely recognized as the cornerstone of socioeconomic development, fostering a society that values diversity and provides equal opportunities for all. However, the alarming Class X dropout rates in India, particularly in States like Odisha , Bihar and Meghalaya , pose a ignificant challenge to the nation’s aspirations of becoming an economic powerhouse through inclusive quality education. The national average dropout rate of 21% at the class X level reflects a critical issue that demands urgent attention. Addressing the class X dropout rates in India is pivotal for achieving inclusive and quality education, which in turn is the key to sustainable socioeconomic development. . It needs immediately the considered attention of the provincial and central government to the dismal state of education in the country even after 75 years of decolonalizing foreign rulers. Of late, President Murmu was the Chief Guest at the 69th Convocation of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur on December 18, 2023 when Madam Murmu during her convocation speech, expressed disappointment that no Indian university is ranked among the top 50 universities in the world.
It is true that India is on the track of consistent socioeconomic development and she is trying hard to become one of the prominent economic powers in the world. However, for sustainbale economic development, not only education, but quality education has no substitution. The Union Ministry of Education shared the details of statewise dropouts rate at Xth Class for the last four years, 2018-19 – 2021-22 which shows that 20.60% is the national avaerge rate of dropout at Class X and Odisha tops the Statewise List of the Dropouts signifying 49.9% followed by Bihar 42.1% and Meghalaya is placed against the 3rd position being attributed with 33.5% and so on. This literature aims to explore and analyze the factors contributing to the high dropout rates and looks for remedial measures to enhance inclusive education and propel India towards global excellence.
Socioeconomic factors such as economic disparities and poverty remain key contributors to high dropout rates. Families facing financial constraints often prioritize immediate economic needs over long-term educational investments, compelling children to abandon their studies. Infrastructure and accessibility is another contributing factor to glaring class X dropout rate. Inadequate infrastructure and limited access to schools in rural areas, particularly in states like Odisha and Bihar, hinder students’ ability to attend classes regularly. Poor transportation facilities exacerbate this problem, deterring students from pursuing education beyond the primary level.
Besides education, quality of education matters much in case of chruning out skilled human resource. Substandard teaching methods, outdated curriculum, and lack of qualified teachers contribute to student disengagement. The failure to make education interesting and relevant results in students losing interest and dropping out. Gender disparities are not insignificant contributor to dropouts at all. Gender bias and societal norms often restrict the educational opportunities available to girls. Discrimination and cultural expectations force many young girls to discontinue their education, perpetuating gender inequality. Social and cultural factors are deeply rooted to the preference of education over other priorities . Deep-rooted cultural beliefs, superstition and societal pressures, particularly in conservative religion practices and social custom very often discourage certain communities from sending their children, especially girls, to school. Further, education is in the Cocurrent List of the Constitution and both the central and provincial governments are responsible to provide inclusive education in India but very often, due to political differences education sufferes and suffers the community. India, with her burgeoning population and dynamic economy, stands at the precipice of global leadership. However, the persistently high dropout rates in schools and colleges pose a significant obstacle to nurturing a skilled workforce and innovative global leaders. India needs feasible strategies to curb dropout rates and revamp the university education system to foster the development of visionary leaders on the global stage.
In order to bring about transformation in the existing pedagogy and curriculum and overcome the shortcomings faced by the society, governments need to treat education delivery with positive discrimination. For instance, to launch more and more comprehensive financial assistance programs, including scholarships and stipends, can alleviate the economic burden on students and their families. This measure ensures that financial constraints do not become barriers to pursuing education. Establishing counseling and mentoring services within educational institutions is crucial. These services can identify and address personal, academic, or socio-economic challenges that may contribute to dropout tendencies. A supportive environment fosters resilience and commitment to education. Again, recognizing the diverse needs of students, incorporating flexible learning models, such as online programmes and part-time options, allows for personalized educational pathways. This flexibility accommodates students with different learning styles and external responsibilities. Involving communities in the educational process may create a sense of collective responsibility. Community engagement programs can bridge the gap between school and home, promoting a collaborative approach to education and reducing dropout rates. Whenever, financial hardship prevails, education gets backseated and under such scenarios, both the central and provincial governments should implement targeted financial incentives and assistance programs to alleviate economic barriers and encourage families to prioritize education over immediate financial needs.
Focused efforts on teacher training, recruitment, and retention are essential. Qualified and motivated teachers are critical to providing quality education and fostering a positive learning environment. Regularly updating the curriculum to make it more relevant and engaging is crucial. Integrating practical applications, vocational training, and life skills into the curriculum can enhance student interest and retention. Launching awareness campaigns to challenge cultural norms and stereotypes, particularly regarding gender roles, is essential. Community involvement in education, through initiatives like parent-teacher associations, can create a supportive environment for students. The policy makers are to give more importance to action rather than paperwork. For instance, NEP 2020 is still not implented in letter and spirit even after three years of existence.
In order to reducing the quality gap and improve Indian University education delivery system, it is a must to establish research and innovation centers within universities and encourage students to engage in cutting-edge research and development. This not only enhances the quality of education but also nurtures a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Industry-academia collaboration should be attached to high degree of weightage. Fostering strong ties between universities and industries is essential. Collaboration ensures that academic curricula align with the dynamic needs of the job market, producing graduates equipped with practical skills and real-world knowledge. Global Exposure and Exchange Programs are hardly seen in the Indian universities. Offering international exposure through exchange programs allows students to experience different educational systems and cultures. Exposure to global perspectives enhances their critical thinking and adaptability, qualities crucial for future leaders. Significant resource allocation for teachers’ training and professional development: needs a serious consideration. Investing in teacher training and continuous professional development is imperative as well. Well-qualified and motivated faculty members are essential for imparting quality education and inspiring students to excel. NEP 2020 speaks of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary education delivery system and therefore, breaking down traditional academic silos and promoting interdisciplinary education to foster holistic learning is recommended. This approach prepares students to address complex real-world challenges, encouraging innovation and creativity. As far as policy issues are concerned, the government should formulate and implement a comprehensive dropout prevention policy that addresses the multifaceted challenges leading to student disengagement. This policy should include targeted financial incentives, counseling services, and community involvement initiatives. Again, launching more and more national education quality enhancement programs can focus on improving the quality of higher education. This initiative should encompass curriculum reforms, faculty development, and the establishment of research centers to elevate the standard of education in universities.
(The author is a Bangalore based Educationist and Management Scientist)