Science Day

This has reference to the Science Day that was celebrated throughout the country to create scientific temper among  the student community. So far so good.
The basic unit for promotion of scientific temper among student  community is a Higher  Secondary School. But, one has to say it with dismay that the educational institutions in the State do not have required infrastructure to carry out the task. The laboratories in schools are in deplorable conditions. Students are hardly taken to labs for conducting practicals, or are taught with teaching aids.
In J&K schools, Science is taught mere a theory and nothing else. The student knows many things theoretically, but fails to apply it in day to day. Nor does he can develop concepts. Mere abstractions or generalisations do not much good to students nor to the subject itself. The Government must ensure that Science subjects are taught in a manner they are supposed to be. Otherwise, results are before us.
Yours etc….
Ajit Kumar