Science exhibitions develop scientific knowledge in students: Div Com

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 20 : Government College for Women, Parade, Jammu organized a 2-day symposium on ‘Science for Shaping the Future of India’ under the auspices of Jammu chapter of ‘The Indian Science Congress Association ‘(ISCA) which concluded here on Saturday.
Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Pradeep Gupta was the chief guest, who inaugurated the symposium.
Nearly, 24 students from different colleges of Jammu participated in the symposium today. The judges of the symposium were Prof. Kuldeep Sharma, Head, Department of Zoology, University of Jammu, Prof. Geeta Sumbli, Head, Department of Botany, University of Jammu.
Divisional Commissioner appreciated the efforts of the college for organizing such informative event which will definitely improve the scientific knowledge and aptitude among the students.
He said that in the past few years Government has invested heavily in expanding and upgrading the science and technology and innovation system. He stressed on the need of holding such programmes on regular basis so that students could get maximum opportunities to enhance their knowledge in science and face the challenges of today’s world of knowledge explosion.
Principal of the College, Dr. Hema Aggarwal and Chairman of the Jammu Chapter of the Indian Science Congress Association, Prof M.K. Jyoti highlighted the objective and significance of organising the programme on science.
As the Indian Science Congress Association is completing 100 years in 2013, therefore, as part of its centenary celebrations, the Science Club of the college also organized an inter-college poster making competition.
Vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Poonam Kamotra while Dr. Pragya Khanna highlighted concluding remarks of the programme.