Scotland Yard prepares for pro and anti Brexit marches in UK

LONDON, Dec 9: Scotland Yard is gearing up for a pro-Brexit march dubbed the “Brexit Betrayal” march through London on Sunday as a counter-protest is also set to take to the streets at the same time.
The Metropolitan Police urged protesters to keep their demonstrations peaceful but indicated it is taking no chances against the backdrop of some violent clashes during the “Yellow Vests” street protests in the neighbouring French city of Paris over the weekend.
“The right to protest is a fundamental right in our democratic society, but this right must be balanced against the right of people to go about their day without fear of violence, disorder or disruption,” said Met Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Laurence Taylor.
“Experience has shown us that when groups with conflicting views come together it can create tension and disorder, not just on the day itself but in the longer term,” he said, adding that the force would “adopt a robust arrest policy on anyone who attends and is intent on violence and disorder”.
The Met Police has said it would keep the two rival sides apart by issuing two separate routes for them to follow though the West End. The conditions have been imposed under Section 12 and 14 of the UK’s Public Order Act, 1986.
Far-right group English Defence League (EDL) founder Tommy Robinson is set to join the pro-Brexit march called by the anti-Europe UK Independence Party (UKIP), with the counter-protesters including groups like Unite Against Fascism and grassroots group Momentum rallying together against the “far-right extremists”.
UKIP said its march against the “Brexit Betrayal” would be “the largest pro-Brexit event of the year”.
“Be there to show you want to Dump the Deal and that Brexit means Exit,” said UKIP leader Gerard Batten, who has angered members of his own party by appointing Robinson as an adviser.
UKIP’s prominent former leader, Nigel Farage, had stepped down from the party recently expressing his anger at the party’s swing towards extreme right-wing politics.
“This march isn’t about Brexit, it’s about far-right extremists dressing up in suits and pretending to be respectable,” said Opposition Labour Party’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell, as he called on people to take to the streets against the “poison” of the far-right.
Meanwhile, a rally will also take place in London on Sunday organised by pro-EU group Best for Britain and the People’s Vote campaign for another referendum to revisit the June 2016 vote in favour of Brexit ahead of a crucial House of Commons vote on British Prime Minister Theresa May’s controversial Withdrawal Agreement struck with the European Union (EU). (PTI)