SDM suspends absent employees, initiates inquiry

Excelsior Correspondent
KISHTWAR, May 18: On the direction of DC Ghulam Nabi Balwan, Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Chatroo Qazi Masood Ahmed today conducted surprise visit in far flung area of Gurinal, Udail and Chatroo and found several offices and schools locked.
As per the details, SDM Chatroo Qazi Masood Ahmed visited CDPO office Chatroo where Manzoor Fatima (Supervisor), Naseema Begum orderly found absent, at Sub Center Health Udail Guran Chatroo found closed and employees including FMPHW Musarat Gagroo, Sweeper Ghulam Nabi Naik found absent, Anganwari centers at Arigam Mehmooda Begum worker, Darkan Gali Laila Begum worker, Sheikhpura Parveena Begum worker, Bumalpura Mehnaz Begum worker, Maripura Rafia Bagum worker were found absent while Anganwari center Thatrie was found totally closed.
In Government High School Gurinal, the school was found closed since last two years and during preliminary investigation it was found that the staff posted at the school were putting their signatures on arrival and departure register at home. The employees found absent from duty at GHS Gurinal include Mohammad Iqbal Sheikh (RRT), Ridwana Banoo (RRT), Jabeena Banoo (RRT). At Middle School Arigam Jawaz Ahmed Malik (ReT) found absent which according to people had not attended his duties since long, at Middle School Banipura ReT Nasir Ahmed along with another employee Jagdish Raj were found absent. Similarly another RRT namely Shivani was also found absent at Upper Primary School Bamalpura.
SDM Chatroo also visited Medical aid center Gurinal and check the availability of the medicines and found that the information given by the concerned officials as true. The employees had been instructed to provide best possible health facilities to the locals.
When contacted, SDM Chatroo Qazi Masood Ahmed informed that all the absentees’ employees had been placed under suspension and an inquiry team headed by Principal Higher Secondary School Chatroo has been asked to submit report in week’s time.
He said that the salary of ZEO Chatroo has also put on hold for his failure in checking the attendance in schools falling in his jurisdiction. He said that in addition to the inquiry to be conducted by Principal HSS Chatroo, the matter has also been referred to Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar for any further order.
He said that on public complaint regarding the embezzlement in withdrawal of carriage charges by the local dealer Ghulam Ahmed Sheikh, son of Ghulam Mohamdu Sheikh, resident of Gurinal amounting to Rs 1,98,993, the pass book of the dealer has been seized and the matter is being investigated. He said the dealer had though withdrawn the carriage charges, but had not provided the same to the deserving persons.