SEA to move FSSAI, ASCI against Patanjali mustard oil ad

NEW DELHI: Edible oil industry body SEA is approaching food safety regulator FSSAI as well as advertising industry watchdog ASCI against yoga guru Ramdev promoted Patanjali alleging that its ads for mustard oil are “false and misleading”.

Stating that it doesn’t “appreciate derogatory remark for other edible oils”, Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEA) claims that Patanjali’s advertisement of its ‘kacchi ghani mustard oil’ is “not in good taste”.

Patanjali, however, insisted that its present commercial was “based on facts, findings and research. We do not intend or mislead any one”.

The company’s advertisement had claimed that kacchi ghani mustard oil of other brands are “adulterated”.

SEA has taken exception to such claims.

“Recent advertisement on Kacchi Ghani Mustard oil published by Patanjali Ayurved Ltd is not in good taste. In this advertisement, there are misleading and false statements about the solvent extracted oils,” Mumbai-based SEA said in a statement.

SEA has sent a detailed memorandum with documentary evidence to Patanjali drawing its attention and requested to withdraw the misleading statement made in the advertisement against solvent extracted oils, it said.

“Unfortunately, Patanjali continued the advertisement both in print and electronic media and therefore the Association has decided to approach Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) as well as Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) to direct the Patanjali to withdraw the said advertisement with misleading facts,” SEA added.(Agencies)