Searchlight on Urdu novels

O.P. Sharma

Name of Book Urdu Novels-in pre and post-Independent Era
Author Dr. M.K. Waqar
Publisher Yak Book Channel,
Pacca Danga, Jammu.
Price Paperback Rs 150 & hardcover Rs 400

“Urdu novels – in pre and post- Independent Era” has sketched the growth of Urdu novels in India. This interesting story has been told in this book by Dr. M.K. Waqar in a simple and direct style peculiar to his style of writing.
The book under review has put search light on the status of Urdu novels and generated renewed curiosity and passion in this language and its literature.
Urdu’s Importance
Dr. M.K. Waqar, the writer of this book has done a commendable job in re-kindling the public interest in this language. Urdu has unique absorbing characteristics for its ghazals, poetic stories and novels.
Dr. Waqar has the distinction of being the first among the Bakerwal Tribal community to hold Ph.D degree and lend his helping hand in projection and promotion of Urdu language.
Born in 1960 at a tiny village Moghla in Kalakote tehsil of the Rajouri district, after preliminary education he did his graduation. He subsequently did MA in History and Urdu privately while working in the J&K State Police of subsequently, completed Ph.D degree on the topic: “Urdu and Dogri in Northern India”..
Presently, he is posted in Government service in Higher Education Department in Rajouri. Dr. Waqar is grandson of noted spiritual leader Haji Moulvi Mian Nazir Ahmed of Rajouri district.
He was also associated with Radio Station/Doordarshan Kendra as a newscaster in addition to contributing his articles in the Urdu periodicals.
Growth of Urdu Novels
After the first War of Independence in 1857, the political, literary, social and economic circumstances changed a lot and with it the Urdu language got going strong across the the country. The literary scenario too witnessed transitional forward movement in selection of the themes, treatment of of subjects, sketching of characters for conveying the changing viewpoint on social, economic factors, political conditions, psychological issues.
Tracing the growth of Urdu novel, Maulvi Nazir Ahmed wrote in 1869 an Urdu novel and got popularity.Gradually novel picked up variety of absorbing social themes. Subsequently, such famous Urdu novels like Umrao Jaan by Mirza Mohd. Harirasba. ‘Munshi PremChand’s ‘Nirmala’ and ‘Gao Daan’ which have unique place in Urdu literature.
Famous Novelists
Urdu novelists picked up socially relevant issues of poverty, women’s problems, feudal system as also socio -economic condition, aspirations for justice. The depiction of rural mass poverty and prevailing social evils like plight of widows, bonded labour, widespread illiteracy, mal-nutrition, drinking mostly constituted the important themes of the Urdu novels. As the old traditions were undergoing changes giving place to new era of modern methods and thinking, Urdu novels took up the task of bringing new trend in Urdu like the other languages. There emerged “progressive movement” in Urdu literature in the country. One book titled “London Ke Aak Raat” gave a new twist depicting thinking of foreign educated young Indian men and women. Subsequently, novelists like Ali Mohammad, Krishan Chander (from Poonch), Opender Nath, Ashaq, Ismat, Chuktai, Aziz Ahamed and few others made their significant contribution to Urdu language and literature.
It is noteworthy that after India’s Independence Urdu novels took a turn towards fresh look on almost all issues. In the initial stages, many writers opted to pen down pangs of the partition and its short as also long term implications. Ramanand Sagar’s “Aur Insaan Mar Gaya”, Rashid Akhtar’s “Pandaraan August”, Naseem Hazazi wrote “Khak wa Khoon” and Abdullah Hussains “Udas Naslee”. But Urdu novel ” Aag ka Dariya” is a notable piece with some outstanding features.
Documented Work
The book has been well printed and put out in paperback as well as hard-cover editions to suit the pocket of the readership.This150-page book makes an absorbing reading with interest from beginning to the end.
The Yak Book Channel has published this as an outline history of the Urdu novels. Both the publisher as also the author Dr. M.K. Waqar have put in their efforts to promote Urdu by igniting new interest and thus taken correct step in projection of this official language of J&K State.
It is definitely of immense interest to students, academicians intellectuals, lovers of Urdu language as well as the common readership within and outside the J&K State.
The Urdu has got Government support but to regain its glorious past heights once again, it has to make sustained endavours to make Urdu the people’s language.
Urdu being the official language in Jammu and Kashmir has to be in focused attention of the State Government and the people must take sustained interest in its overall development.
(Starline Syndicate Service)