Seasonal Teachers To Educate “Out Of School Children” In Dhoks In J&K’s Kishtwar

Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar Dr Devansh Yadav. (FilePic)

DE Web Desk
Jammu, May 16: With a motive to provide education to all at doorsteps, the district administration has decided to deploy seasonal teachers for “out of school children” staying in far flung areas and in dhoks (a cluster of hutments) across the Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir.
Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar Dr Devansh Yadav said that a virtual meeting was conducted with Chief Education Officer and all the Zonal Education Officers of district with regard to the readiness of the seasonal teachers, their deployment to Dhokas in seasonal centres to teach “out of school children” (OoSC) who travel with their parents to distant regions and dhoks on mountains during the summer season.
“We have emphasised 15 to 20 mnemonics material in handout shape be prepared for seasonal teachers so that they can exercise a limited cognitive use of such in a very efficient manner in schools,” said Dr Yadav.
The Chief Education Officer Kishtwar Prahlad Bhagat however, apprised all concerned officers including guest faculty cum experts from Delhi about the preparation of forthcoming deployment of seasonal teachers and their forthcoming training on foundation literacy and numeracy besides their ongoing enrolment process in schools.
The Deputy Commissioner also stressed to motivate seasonal teachers with the right approach and equipped them with proper teaching learning material.
The educationist cum experts on Foundation Literacy and Numeracy and New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 from New Delhi Disha Kawa and Jaishree Goyal also shared views with officers regarding the motivation of these teachers while teaching these nomadic children and accordingly with the efforts of district administration a two days training programme both virtual and in offline mode for these seasonal teachers is being organised in next two days wherein experts from Delhi in collaboration with education department will train the seasonal teachers before they are deployed formally to dhoks
“More than 1400 ‘out of school children’ from the Scheduled Tribe community have joined the mainstream and most of them have been enrolled in schools which is an extraordinary step with regard to the mainstreaming of poor out of school children of the Community,” said Deputy Commissioner.