Second navigational satellite

Indian Space Centre has another feather of achievement in its cap. From Sri Harikota, it successfully test fired the second navigational satellite which aims at establishing an independent regional space-based navigation system.  About 19 minutes after the lift-off, PSLV C24 successfully placed the 1,432 kg IRNSS 1B in the intended orbit above the Earth, much to the jubilation of the ISRO scientists in the mission control room.  IRNSS is equivalent to Global Positioning System of the United States and India is heading to be part of advanced space technology the world has at its command. The successful launching of this navigational satellite will go a long way in upgrading the space technological science in India. ISRO Chief Dr. Radhakrishnana thanked his team at the space research centre for giving India good lead in space technology. We are confident that Indian space scientists have the capability of probing deep in the space and unfolding the secrets of the stellar world. This is the age of science ad technology. We lagged behind in this field but thanks to the leadership that envisaged the possibility of India making solid contribution to the space science.  It is a matter of pride for our country to have been making steady progress in the areas of science and technology. But we must remember the words of the President who recently said that what we need to focus upon is innovation and research. We have a very large network of technical and scientific research institutes in the country and the cream among our young student community find admission in these institutes. This is a source of hope and encouragement for the entire nation that we will have the world’s largest technically oriented society engaged in rapid development of the nation.