Gauri Chhabra
Nothing succeeds like success. We all want to be successful in our lives whether it be our careers, our relationships, our examinations or any other milestones of life. We strive for success but when it evades us, we very easily shrug and shift the blame to an external factor- more often than not it is fate, circumstances, or our peer group, family and the list is endless…. We keep shifting the blame to external factors, we never improve.
Before you again shift your stance and think of blaming others for your last failure, I want you to ask yourself, do all the successful people have a secret sauce? If yes, would you like to know what it is?
Well, let me share it with you…
Separate the wheat from the chaff:
Of all human abilities, one stands out, the ability to see the Big Picture, the things that are important in life, and not to be distracted by small, trivial, and irrelevant things; the intelligence to separate the message from the background noise. It is about setting goals, visualizing, grasping and hold on to them. This is what all successful people do.
Overcome ‘to be or not to be’:
Believe me, it is about making the right choice. We all are caught in the vicious cycle of ‘to be or not to be’; it is high time we came out of it. Setting priorities right is about making intelligent choices, deciding what goals to pursue in which order, which takes vision and foresight.
Getting your priorities right is about choosing whether to go to school, start your own business or working for somebody else; whether to get married or stay singled; whether to have children or not; whether to stay married or get divorced; whether to remarry if widowed or divorced; and you have to choose how to spend your money.
Stick to your knitting:
Staying focused means sticking with your priorities and goals; focusing on the message, not on the background noise; and executing. Take the right steps to reach your goals. That’s all that matters in the end.It takes patience, persistence, and discipline to stay focused. Patience to overcome the hurdles that stand between you and your goal; persistence to overcome the failures, setbacks, and temptations that may take you off course; and discipline to play the game right, to comply with all the rules: know what you are doing, be punctual, and work out all the details.
People first:
It’s ironic, but the more digitized our world becomes, the more we crave meaningful personal interactions. I feel peevish when people try to talk with me while they are simultaneously pecking away on a digital device. If you do this, I will stop talking to you. I will also perceive that you are too distracted to know you are hopelessly distracted.On the other hand, it now seems like an almost magical event when another person focuses 100% of their attention on you.
Try this… First, be a master of the device rather than a slave to it. So, learn to turn it off if its use will disturb people around you. And second, remember that in using these technologies the documents or conversations should be considered public, not private. A phone conversation can be overheard or intercepted. An e-mail should not be sent unless the sender would be willing to post it on a bulletin board for anyone to read. when you sit down with someone, turn off your phone and tell them, “I don’t want to be interrupted while we are talking.”
Being present with another person is the greatest compliment you can give them, and nearly everyone understands this. Doing so separates you from the 90% of people in their lives who listen with one ear and talk when they should be listening.
Build relationships:
Reaching a certain goal requires moral and psychological stamina. It takes skills and resources no single individual possesses. This means that in pursuing personal success, you need friends and partners to overcome the many obstacles that stand between you and your personal goals. At school, friends can provide the moral and psychological support to endure and overcome the pressure that comes with class lectures, homework, exams, and term paper deadlines.
At work, friends provide the moral and psychological support to endure and overcome workplace-related stress, meeting project deadlines, handling customer complains, and dealing with internal politics.
Keep moving:
Do not rest on your laurels. Success isn’t an entitlement. It cannot be taken for granted. You cannot afford to be complacent because good times do not last forever, especially in a rapidly changing world. That’s why complacency is dangerous. At school, students who are complacent about their performance at the beginning the semester eventually lag behind their peers and end up failing the course. If you take your jobs for granted fail to keep up with the demands of the marketplace by upgrading your skills, you will be the first in line to be laid off in an economic downturn.
Make everyone around you succeed:
That’s all.
Your success and your friend’s success are not mutually exclusive. You need not win so that others fail.
Also, realize that your career success is not primarily or significantly determined by you. You can work hard, you can strategize, you can plan your career, but there are a lot of other larger forces at work. You might make an incremental difference if you do all those things, but overall you will be swept along in the tide of whatever macroeconomic or industry or company-wide force comes along. Accept this.
Second, imagine that you have a magic wand, and by waving this magic wand, you can make every single person in your company succeed at their job 120%. What would happen? Well, if everyone knocked their job out of the park, the company would probably be a huge success and even if you did nothing else, you’d be swept along in the tide of success of everyone around you.
Unfortunately, you don’t have a magic wand that does that. All you can do is try to help everyone around you succeed. If you do it effectively enough and you do it for enough people, it might result in a sufficient critical mass of people succeeding that your whole group, your whole division, your whole company – will succeed.
And you’ll be swept along… this, my dear friends is the SECRET SAUCE…