Secret Service costs for President Trump’s family mounts

WASHINGTON, Apr 15:  The international hotel and car rental costs for the Secret Service agents who protect the US president’s two sons Eric and Donald Trump Jr have topped USD 190,000 since January 1, according to a media report today.
The bills, paid by taxpayers, include Eric Trump’s trip to the UK and Ireland this week, CBS News reported.
Documents for Eric Trump’s trip to Dublin show that USD 4,029.85 was spent on limousines for his visit and USD 11,261 to cover the hotel costs of the Secret Service agents.
These purchase orders do not include airfare costs for Secret Service agents who traditionally conduct advance trips to the location in preparation for visits by protectees.
It also does not include the cost of the salaries paid to the agents who protect members of the president’s family.
The report said that the Trump Organisation did not respond to a request for comment.
Eric Trump’s visit to the UK was his fifth international trip since the beginning of 2017. He went to Uruguay and the Dominican Republic on his own and accompanied his brother Donald Trump Jr on his trips to Dubai and Vancouver, Canada.
The trips by the Trump sons are to promote Trump-branded properties in those countries. According to an analysis by the Economist magazine, the Trump Organisation’s international deals account for less than 10 per cent of the firm’s value.
“The Trump family’s frequent travel to international destinations purely to promote the Trump family business is burning through taxpayer dollars at an unprecedented rate and stretching the Secret Service increasingly thin,” Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee told the network.
President Trump’s trips on Air Force One to Mar-a-Lago have cost taxpayers an estimated USD 700,000 for each round trip. CBS News has estimated, based on a previous Government Accountabilty Office report, that each presidential trip to Mar-a-Lago costs about USD 3 million. (PTI)