Secretary Revenue reviews development scenario in Ramban district

Revenue Secretary chairing a meeting at Ramban.
Revenue Secretary chairing a meeting at Ramban.

Excelsior Correspondent

RAMBAN, Oct 25: Secretary, Revenue and Planning, Development and Monitoring Department, Dr. Piyush Singla today visited Ramban and listened to the issues of public importance highlighted by the public representatives at a public outreach camp held here.
The delegations from all Blocks and MCs of the district led by the concerned DDC Councillors, BDC Chairpersons, Presidents of MCs, Beopar Mandals, met with the Secretary and highlighted a range of issues of their respective areas and sought his intervention for early redressal of the same.

Interacting with the Chairperson, District Development Council, Ramban, Dr. Shamshad Shan, Vice-Chairperson, Rabia Hamid, Presidents of Municipalities, Chairpersons of BDC, DDC Councillors, PRIs, Members of Beopar Mandals and several other delegations, the Secretary said that their genuine issues would be looked into for early redress. He directed the District Administration to allot suitable land to landless people of the district as per extant rule to enable them to construct their houses under Prime Minister Awas Yojana, after duly verifying the credentials of beneficiaries to prevent misuse of state land.
Responding to the issues highlighted by the PRIs, the Secretary asked the administration to encourage local people to develop private parking space to meet-out the parking issue in all municipalities of the district. He asked the public representatives to identify land in coordination with the District Administration for the construction of buildings of the Government Degree College, Batote and Ukhral.
Dr. Singla directed the PD, NHAI to examine and construct overhead bridges on Nashri to Banihal stretch for the convenience of the general public.
Secretary asked the local Beopar Mandal to develop Ramban market on modern lines to attract commuters to purchase famous products of the district like Annardan, Honey and other local products.
Dr. Singla directed the Deputy Commissioner to set up a platform to facilitate women Self Help Groups to enable them to start business activities to sustain their livelihood. He also directed the CMO to submit details about calls received for Ambulance services and other services provided to the people.
Earlier, the representatives highlighted the issues pertaining to the basic requirements and a variety of other developmental issues of their respective areas. They demanded reopening of Awas Plus portal to include left-out and new eligible beneficiaries under PMAY-G, opening of Maternity Hospital at Banihal already announced by the IRCON, release of wages of temporary employees of Rural Development Department, filling up of vacant posts of Naib Tehsildars, transfer of administrative controls of Panchayats of block Rajgarh from district Doda to district Ramban, funding for sanctioned and ongoing road projects under NABARD, forest clearance for road and other developmental projects especially, Jal Jeeven Mission Projects, start of construction work on PWD roads in block Gandhari, Ambulance for Bathni area, construction of road to Shankhpal Temple and rationalization of villages to chowkidars.
The delegation from Municipal Council and Beopar Mandal Ramban demanded multi storey car parking, water purification plant, transfer of adjoining Sericulture land to Bus Stand Ramban, sanction of plan submitted for the beatification of Ramban town, release of funds to accelerate pace of progress on construction of Multi-storey Bus Stand Project, speeding-up of tendering and allotment process of all developmental projects including ADF of DDC, BDC and Panchayats.