Security alert

Ever since 1990 when externally sponsored terrorism became new phenomenon of Indo-Pak relations, our national days like the Independence Day and the Republic Day have become occasions for tightening the security in the country. Even our big festival days, too, are brought under intensified security umbrella. This is because on these days there are celebrations in which a large number of people participates and many political as well as prominent personalities usually are part of these congregations. An attack by the militants on any of these occasions can cause large scale damages and flare up public resentment. That is precisely what the militants aim at. The enemy is using all means and methods that would go in destabilising the country and disrupting our social cohesion.

Independence Day (15 August) is round the corner. This is one of the days in a year on which the nation as a whole remembers the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the country from alien rule. It is also a day of rejoicing because it was on 15 August 1947 that India had made tryst with destiny. This and the Republic Day instil the spirit of solidarity and cohesion in our nation and beckon us to be united to face numerous challenges to our republic. Our national solidarity is gall to our enemies and they would like do everything within their means to disrupt life and orderliness of the nation. That is the reason why extraordinary measures of security have to be enforced on these particular days.

But the terrorists keep no calendar. They will strike whenever they find an opportunity conducive to their subversive acts. Most of the terrorist attacks have taken place on non-festival days. It is so because the terrorists draw plans for attacks while hiding in undisclosed hideouts. They maintain highest degree of secrecy. Their secret planning becomes successful because of logistical support and important input made by their local accomplices. Notably planners of terrorism are not devoid of innovative initiatives as is evident by their activities. Taking hostages for ransom or exchange, hijacking airplanes for release of captured militants, blowing of bridges, ammunition depots and vulnerable strategic locations are the initiatives always under their consideration. The alert sounded by the Union Home Ministry to the airport protection forces for Jammu and Srinagar airports must be based on valuable input made by various intelligence sources. As such the alert has to be taken very seriously. In particular the Home Ministry’s alert speaks of 14 LeT activists mostly of foreign origin who have managed to sneak in are planning hijacking of an airplane to recapitulate their 1999 hijacking from Nepal and getting the captured terrorist of Pakistani origin released from Indian prisons. Militants know that a soft Indian Government would succumb to intimidation even lesser than hijacking. Apart from alerting Jammu and Srinagar airport authorities the Home Ministry has also alerted more airports in the country especially in the eastern part where Naxalites and Maoists are active.

It has to be recalled that during past several months’ security related matters with Pakistan have worsened. Pakistani Rangers manning LoC on their side have been resorting to recurrent and unprovoked firing in all probability to facilitate infiltration by subversives. A 540 meter long tunnel has been discovered in the border village of Chechwal in Samba (J&K) with the purpose of clandestinely sending in infiltrators and weapons to be used in subversive activities in J&K, and more recently Pakistani Rangers have declined Indian side’s suggestion of a flag meeting to discuss unprovoked firing in Arno area of Jammu. These events do not augur well for useful Indo-Pak talks on bilateral issues. Islamabad Government makes no comment or shows no reaction to India’s repeated warnings of her troops resorting to unprovoked firing on the border or make infiltration bids made by the miscreants. There is no doubt that jihadis, Naxalites and Maoists all have stepped up their subversive activities and are testing the patience of the Home Ministry. The Government of India is well aware that terrorists are streamlining their strategies. The Prime Minister has called the meeting of police chiefs of all states on 6 September to discuss security scenario and how to meet the growing challenge from subversives. In this background, not only the two airports of the State but all sensitive installations have to be brought under strictest security arrangement and all attempts of the enemy have to be foiled. This also calls for quick disposal of court cases against terrorists. Why not have special courts with time frame to do the needful?