Security lapse

There is an unfortunate  attack on police  personnel escorting the prisoners on 06 Jan 2018, that too by the prisoner militants who were being  taken to SMHS Hospital Srinagar for medical check up.  This shows slackness on part of  the cops escorting the prisoners.  A dreaded militant who was captured alive by the security forces after tough encounter has been got freed by the militants.  This shows that  a well pre-planned conspiracy was hatched by  the militants and their well wishers and sympathizers.  Although Govt has ordered an inquiry in the whole episode of firing by militants and the prisoner itself yet the loss suffered by the state is irreparable and it is hard nut to crack i.e to re-capture the LeT militant who gave a slip to security personnel due to which two cops were killed.  There is need to revive the SOP in transportation of militant prisoners by the Govt/jail authorities to avoid further loss of men and material involved in handling the prisoners.  Had the Govt taken timely action to revive the policy on transportation of prisoners/militants the loss of precious lives and fleeing the hardcore militant from the SMHS hospital in the filmy style could have been avoided.  Snatching of weapons from security personnel particularly  from J&K police cops is rising trend  as they are vulnerable targets of militants in the trouble torn state of J&K.  There is need to enhance  training and weaponry of the security forces deployed in the valley to avoid such type of incidents in days to come.  Moreover, dreaded militant prisoners should be treated in jail by opening a health centre and employing adequate doctors and para medical staff.
Yours etc….
H S Saini
Digiana Jammu