Secy Ladakh reviews functioning of Tourism Deptt, LAACL, Libraries

Excelsior Correspondent
KARGIL, May 3: Secretary Tourism and Culture UT Ladakh Kacho Mehboob Ali Khan reviewed the functioning of Tourism Department, Ladakh Academy of Art, Culture and Languages (LAACL) and Libraries during a meeting with the concerned officers at Tourist Facilitation Centre Biamathang, here today.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kargil Development Authority Ghulam Mohiuddin Wani, Assistant Director Tourism Aga Syed Toha, Executive Engineer R&B-II Kacho Mehmood Ali Khan, Executive Engineer Kargil Development Authority Sajjad Hussain Wazir, Special Officer for Cultural Activities, LAACL Kargil Muhammad Ali Tak, Senior Librarian Zahoor Ahmad besides other concerned officers were present in the meeting.
While reviewing the functioning of the Tourism Department, Secretary Tourism instructed officers to work dedicatedly in creating proper infrastructure and amenities to attract more tourists while providing them best world class facilities. He focused on development of wayside amenities and pointed out the need to develop integrated facility cum tourist facilitation centres at entry point in the district. He instructed the officers to identify state land to complete the project within a period of 2 years.
He said as the public entries received earlier to design logo for the Tourism Department were not satisfactory, the entries would be re-invited. The Secretary Tourism further said that the UT Administration is keen to introduce adventure safari, astro-tourism, boating, diving, rafting, mountaineering, establishment of fishing sites, activities related to winter tourism.
Taking stock of the progress of works under KDA, the Secretary said that the UT Administration is planning to set up a state of the art convention centre in Kargil. He directed the concerned officers to look for an appropriate location for establishment of this project.
Meanwhile, the Secretary also reviewed the functioning of Libraries in the district. The Secretary was informed that there is 1 district library, 3 tehsil libraries and 3 border block libraries with 19 staff. However, currently there is only 9 staff to run the whole setup and all the libraries except the district library is functioning in rented rooms.
The Secretary also revived the functioning of the LAACL Kargil and while underlining the need to construct a cultural centre in Kargil said that such a center will be set up at a suitable location in due course of time.