Sedition charge

This refers to the news of a case of sedition against Kashmiri students in a U.P. University. Filing of  FIR and then withdrawing it is somewhat ridiculous. Much has been said about whether what they did or did not after Pakistan won the cricket match is or is not seditious under law. Let us not go into that debate. On the face of it if the outright call by Hurriyat leader Geelani for cessationof J&Kfrom India and accession to Pakistan is not cognizable as sedition because no FIR has been lodged against him, why should raising of a few slogans by Kashmiri students be given such media hype and made into an issue?
However, the interesting part of the episode is the offer of Pakistan to give them admission in their university for continuing their education. This is a welcome and not at all an offensive gesture. Let the Kashmiri students respond to it immediately and warmly so that they get rid of the syndrome of suspicion that haunts Kashmiri Muslim students in Indian universities or colleges as has been expressed by no less a person than the chief minister a number of times.
However,while these or other Kashmiri students decide to shift to Pakistani universities, we would advise them to make sure they obtain a commitment from Pakistani authorities that they will also give them at least the same amount of scholarship which the Union Government, State Government and other institutions like Awqaf give them per monthplus the freedom of celebrating  in the hostels of Pak universities the victory of the Indian cricket team if it happens someday.
Yours etc……
K.N. Pandita