Seeking funds details for bridges in Kashmir

There are many bridges in Kashmir province which are incomplete despite years of their construction as the work on them is periodically stopped due to what is reported by the construction agencies as ‘paucity of funds’. ‘Excelsior’ has constantly been reporting about and voicing concern in respect of many incomplete bridges in Kashmir province causing hardships to the residents living around the concerned areas.
Taking a serious view of the entire issue, the Division Bench of the State High Court has directed the Government to furnish relevant details about allotting of funds for these bridges to ascertain the authenticity of the paucity of funds being responsible for such bridges remaining incomplete. Finance Department, as such, was required to furnish the details of funds released to J&K Project Construction Corporation to the court. The Corporation, it is reported has been repeatedly requesting the Finance Department for releasing the funds but has not been getting the same which not only caused delays but made the remaining construction costly due to cost escalation. Since many projects were in the stage of hanging in balance ostensibly due to funds, the same needed to be resolved.