Self help is the best help

People of Mangota area near Thanamandi in Rajouri have created an example of doing something independent of the government help by pooling resources from within and constructed a foot bridge which was very much required and for the building of which the governments especially that of the BJP and the PDP just did nothing despite various pleas by the people . We hail and compliment the people for this gesture and totally disprove the claims of the administration that they were quick in response to attend to such needs and demands of the people.
Nearly 60 to 70 families of the concerned are having felt tired of seeing no response from the concerned MLAs for as many as 15 long years and the administration, they decided to do it all by themselves and created an example of what unity and pooled strength could mean. They arranged funds , nearly Rs.30000, got material, carpenters and labour etc and got it all done under the supervision of an Army veteran. This should have , however, become a lead news for various TV Channels.